GiD - The personal pre and post processor
- From version 1.11
- correction for windows x32 builds
- corrected bug when reaing H5T_STRINGs
- From version 1.10
- allow set vector attributes of types char, short, int, long, long long, float, double
(integer trick was removed, it use a vector or chars to store strings, string type must be used instead)
- allow set vector attributes of types char, short, int, long, long long, float, double
- From version 1.9
- support to get/set data of more types: short, long, long long
- From version 1.8
- new commands isreadonly and flush
- create_group new flag -if_not_exists (e.g. create_group -if_not_exists name1 ?name2 ...?)
- From version 1.7
- set_attribute could create compound types (e.g. set_attribute -type compound -fields {r float i float})
- get_attribute also supporting read compound attributes
- option -readonly to open a file for reading (default if for read and write) (e.g. hdf5 -readonly $filename)
- From version 1.6
- handle set replaced the flag -columns {nc} by -dimensions {nr ?nc? ?nd?}, to allow handle 3-dimensional datasets
- From version 1.5
- get_attribute accepts the flag -type integer|string to be able to decode deprecated attributes encoded with the -integer type
- From version 1.4
- Can create compound tables -vtype compound and -fields to define it
- Fixed bug of is_group and is_dataset commands
- Fixed bug of get_attribute that were returning an extra character at the end.
- From version 1.3
- set can create multidimensional arrays, with -ncolumns
- attributes can be written as HDF5 strings with -string
- From version 1.1
- vype string in command handle set, to allow the creation of string sets.
- dimensions option in the command handle get, to know the dimensions of multidimensional arrays
- From version 1.0
- First version.
, multiple selections available,