What's new from version 13.1.5d to 13.1.6d
- macOS: Fixed problems with mouse wheel events in Mac os X.
- Labels: Fixed error when drawing labels on nodes. Labels are also drawn in geometry render modes for the visualized entities.
- Fonts: default quality setting changed to 'sharp edges'. Also the default fonts are changed to GiD ones.
- Isostufing volume mesher removed (octree must be used instead)
- Create points from selection of nodes
- Spaceball / Mouse 3D: Fixed problems with spaceball events
- Contour Legends: Now their height can be modified through the preferences window, Preferences->Postprocess->Legend options. The height can be adjusted in absolute pixels or relative height %.
- Delaunay:
- corrected crash when using the 'Cull big elements' filter';
- corrected the 'single mesh for all points' options;
- elements of the new created meshes are now renumbered;
- the setting PostDelaunayCullBigElements is now also in the preferences window.
- Deprecated bitmaps folder deleted
- GiD_Thumbnail new option: to get the current view in vectorial format GiD_Thumbnail get_vectorial STL|VRML
- WarnWinText: added contextual menu with options to change the font size of displayed text, switch between proportional or fixed spacing and reset to original font.
- New GiD_Event_BeforeMeshGeneration, to be used instead BeforeMeshGeneration (to avoid problems usin GiD_Process commands that must be applied before generate the mesh)