From 13 to 14
GiD - The personal pre and post processor
From 13 to 14
Main news from version 13 to version 14. (See 'Detailed changes' for the full list of news).
- GiD server-client architecture
- Save with the model the state open/close of the tree of layers and groups
- Import formats enhancements (preserve groups, etc.)
- Tool to join lines
- Embedded meshes generation integrated inside GiD
- New Cartesian mesher (ZMesher) integrated inside GiD
- New specific tools for pre-processing digital terrain models (DTM)
- Raster tools to extrapolate z mesh to a 2D grid (raster)
- Set the z of the mesh nodes from a raster file)
- Convert raster to geometry or mesh
- Plugin to import topography from tile map servers
- Native support of HDF5 format for results
- Complex numbers completely supported as results
- Several options enhancing usability
- Play animation toolbar button
- Automatic animations: follow a node
- New "Smart Wizard Designer" package for problemtype developers
- A lot of new scripting commands and events for customization
- GiD mesh library
- Web: GiD online shop
And off course several improvements in efficiency and fixed bugs.