Tohil Tcl Functions

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Tohil Tcl Functions

Once a package require Tohil has been performed from Tcl interpreter, the following commands are available:

tohil::call [-kwlist list] [-nonevalue word] [obj.]function [arg...]

tohil::call provides a way to invoke a Python function from Tcl, with zero or more positional parameters and zero or more named parameters, without having to pass the parameters through Python’s eval or exec and running the risk that Python metacharacters appearing in the data will cause quoting problems, unintentional code execution, etc.

Whatever the Python function returns is returned to Tcl.

If -kwlist list is specified, list contains key-value pairs that will be passed to the function as named parameters.

When you use tohil::call, Tohil converts all of your arguments to Python Unicode, unless an argument is comprised of a special sentinel (normally tohil::NONE, or the argument to the -nonevalue option), in which case the Python “None” data type is substituted in place of that argument.

If -nonevalue word is specified, then this overrides the default sentinel string.

tohil::eval evalString

evalString contains a valid Python expression. Tohil evaluates the string using the Python interpreter and returns to Tcl whatever Python returned.

If an exception is thrown and not caught by any Python code before getting back to Tohil, Tohil traps the exception, converts it into a Tcl error, and returns that error to the caller.


tohil::exec evaluates the code passed to it, similarly to Python’s exec function. Nothing is returned.

If the Python code prints anything, it goes to stdout using Python’s I/O subsystem. However you can easily redirect Python’s output to go to a string, or whatever, in the normal Python manner. tohil::run, in fact, provides a way to do this.

To make it easier to comply with Python indentation rules, if the first nonblank line starts with whitespace, exec will un-indent the code block so the first line is not indented at all and following lines are undented to match.

tohil::import module

Import the specified module into the globals of the Python interpreter.

The name of the module may be of the form module.submodule.

You can do the same thing using exec and, currently, exercise more control, for example tohil::exec "from io import StringIO". However, this reads cleanly and is often enough.


We run tohil::interact from the Tcl command prompt to enter the Python interactive loop. When we’re done, we send end of file (^D) to end the Python loop and return to the Tcl one.


tohil::run evaluates the code passed to it as if with Python’s exec, but unlike tohil::exec, anything emitted by the Python code to Python’s stdout (print, etc) is captured by tohil::run and returned to the caller.


Redirects Tcl’s standard output to be sent through Python’s I/O subsystem.

Works by pushing a custom Tcl channel handler onto Tcl’s stdout channel. The handler passes everything written to Tcl’s stdout to Python using Python’s sys.stdout.write.

This allows, among other things, Tcl output to show up in Jupyter Notebook.


tohil_rivet redirects data written from Python to standard output to be delivered through Tcl’s standard output instead.

When Tcl is being executed from within the Apache Rivet webserver module, the output of Python code invoked from Tcl using Tohil will be written into webpage Apache is constructing.

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