Building and Installing on Linux

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Building and Installing on Linux

Install Prerequisites

You should backup your machine regularly, and confirm you have made a full backup before proceeding.

First you need to install Python and the Python pip installer:

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip tcl8.6-dev

There are a few addition things that are probably nice to have:

sudo apt install tcl-doc tcl-tclreadline tclx8.4-dev tclx8.4-doc sudo apt install tcllib tcllib-critcl

To run the test suite, you’ll need Python’s hypothesis module:

sudo pip3 install hypothesis

…and if you plan to build documentation, sphinx:

sudo pip3 install hypothesis

Build the Configure Script

Next you build the configure script:


Then run the configure script. The Python version must be specified.

Run the Configure Script

Run the configure script. The Python version must be specified.

./configure --with-python-version=3.7m

# don’t forget the “m” if your stuff has that, which Debian tends to.


make sudo make install make test

There’s a README.Linux file in the top-level tohil directory that might have some useful info in it.

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