GiD - The personal pre and post processor

List of examples

C examples ( in examples folder):

C++ examples ( in examples folder):

  • TestMultiplePartition.cxx : in serial, generates and writes meshes and results of a partitioned domain using the GiD_f* functions.

  • MultiplePartition/SimulateMultiplePartition.cxx : in parallel, using threads, generates and writes meshes and results of a partitioned domain using the GiD_f* functions.
    Usage: SimulateMultiplePartition [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -f ascii | bin | hdf5 ] filename_prefix

Fortran examples ( in examples folder):

  • testpost_fd.f90 : Fortran 90 example of writing a quadrilateral mesh with results located and the nodes and at the Gauss Points, with GiD_f* and ...Write*Block functions.

  • testpost.f90 : Fortran 90 example of writing a quadrilateral mesh with nodal results using the deprecated API.

  • testpostfor.f : Fortran 77 example writing the same example as testpost.f90.

Python examples ( in python-swig folder):

  • : writing example of a mesh with triangles and quadrilaterals, and with nodal and elemental results using the GiD_f* functions.

  • : writing example of the same mesh and results but with the ...Write*Block functions.