GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Create result
Menu: Window->Create result...
There are two options to create results:
- using the Window->Create result... or
- using macros
The following operators needs two operands: +, -, * and /.
The first operand is a result and the second operand can be a scalar, a vector or a result. These operations are done component-wise, and so, both results should be of the same type.
If result1 = ( r11, r12, ..., r1n) then if second operand is
- a scalar then the result is ( r11 op scalar, r12 op scalar, ..., r1n op scalar);
- a vector then the result is ( r11 op v1, r12 op v2, r13 op v3[, r14 op v4]) ( so result1 should be a vector);
- a result ( result2) then the result is ( ( r11 op r21, r12 op r22, ..., r1n op r2n).
The other operators needs a result as operand.
If result2 = ( r21, r22, ..., r2n) is the operand then:
- Abs: The result is ( abs( r21), abs( r22), ..., abs( r2n));
- SqrtAbs: The result is ( sqrt( abs( r21)), sqrt( abs( r22)), ..., sqrt( abs( r2n)));
- LogAbs: The result is ( log( abs( r21)), log( abs( r22)), ..., log( abs( r2n)));
- Log10Abs: The result is ( log10( abs( r21)), log10( abs( r22)), ..., log10( abs( r2n)));
- db10: The result is ( 10·log10( abs( r21)), 10·log10( abs( r22)), ..., 10·log10( abs( r2n)));
- db20: The result is ( 20·log10( abs( r21)), 20·log10( abs( r22)), ..., 20·log10( abs( r2n)));
- Exp: The result is ( er21, er22, ..., er2n);
- Pow10: The result is ( 10r21, 10r22, ..., 10r2n);
- 1/: The result is ( 1 / r21, 1 / r22, ..., 1 / r2n).
In the figure above it can be seen highlighted the icon of the macro 'Convert a scalar to a vector'.
With this macro the user can create a vector from a scalar result using the entered vector, by multiplying the vector with the scalar value. This operation can be applied to all the steps of the analysis with the 'all steps' option.
In the figure above it can be seen highlighted the icon of the macro 'Create statistical scalar result'.
With this macro the user can create a scalar result where each value-i is the maximum, minimum or average of all values-i of the selected result on all steps.
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