

Space Index

0-9 ... 3 A ... 17 B ... 6 C ... 60 D ... 25 E ... 19
F ... 8 G ... 21 H ... 6 I ... 22 J ... 2 K ... 2
L ... 12 M ... 24 N ... 15 O ... 10 P ... 36 Q ... 2
R ... 25 S ... 53 T ... 13 U ... 12 V ... 25 W ... 3
X ... 3 Y ... 0 Z ... 1 !@#$ ... 0    


Page: 3D Studio
Menu: Files->Import->3D Studio... Reads a mesh in .3ds 3DStudio format.
Page: 3DStudio mesh
Menu: Files->Import->3DStudio mesh... With this option it is possible to read a mesh in .3ds 3DStudio format.
Page: 4-sided surface creation
The 4-sided surface has been substituted by the NURBS surface (see NURBS surface ). This new entity has all the functionality of the old one. A 4-sided surface is an entity formed by a closed set of four lines in the space. Its mathematical definition is


Page: Abaqus
Menu: Files->Import→Abaqus With this option it is possible to read Abaqus mesh files, with .inp extension. This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl plugin, with limited features.
Page: About
Menu: Help→About... This command gives information about the version of the program. Pressing the 'More' button will show more information about the system, current graphic card configuration and used libraries.
Page: ACIS
Menu: Files->Import→ACIS... With this option it is possible to read a file in ACIS format (version 2000). GiD reads the ASCII version with the SAT Save File Format. ACIS files (in ASCII) have the .sat extension.
Page: ACIS 
Menu: Files->Export→ACIS... GiD can export the geometry in ACIS ASCII format, version 4.0 (files with .sat extension).
Page: Advanced viewing settings
With this window the user is able to enjoy the stereoscopic (or 3D) experience, to enable shadow drawing, and to enable a ground plane that can be used as floor (shadows are drawn on it) or as mirror. Be aware that these options can be costly if the model
Page: Animate
Menu: Windows->Animate... Toolbar: worddavbe6cd431724ef9e1da01da13b289059a.png With this window a little bit of automatization has been done to create animations inside GiD. Nowadays, almost all results visualizations are animated. Only stream-lines are n
Page: Animation controls
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Animation controls... Post toolbar: worddavd3f905eff610cba008b94855b692b25a.png worddav4527bc6efbd5eb11867d1782c867317f.png This windows lets you create animations while using GiD. Several formats (containers and codecs) can be sel
Page: Animation script
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Animation script... worddav12671bbd5b41dfcf2b23f10752e4fcb3.png This window lets you manage and define the movements of the animation. You can chose one of the following movements: zoom/pan: Define a linear movement from Start view
Additional information
Page: Appearance
image2022-5-26_19-11-24.png GiD Theme Theme: Select the GUI appearance between the classic grey, with native widgets in MS Windows or clam style in Linux, or the new dark skin. This change requires GiD to be restarted. (See more information at: Classic Gi
Page: Arc
Menu: Geometry->Create->Arc Toolbar: worddav95fa143bc281f8b37ac4a6a3e187ee02.png To create an arc you can either enter three points (By 3 points, see Point definition) or enter a radius and the two tangent lines at the arc's ends (Fillet curves). It is im
Page: Arc center
Mouse menu: Contextual->Arc center Using this option, you can left-click on an arc in the graphical window and a point will be created at its center.
Page: Assign condition
A condition is assigned to geometric entities or layers that have the given field values. If you are using the AssignCond command in the Right buttons menu, the Change option allows you to define the field values. Do not forget to change these values befo
Page: Assign material
This option is used for assigning a material to some selected entities. When working in geometry mode, the kind of entity to which you wish to assign a material must be selected, i.e. point, line, surface or volume; when working in mesh mode, you select d
Page: Automatic 4-sided surface creation
The 4-sided surface has been substituted by the NURBS surface (see NURBS surface). This new entity has all the functionality of the old one. Inside this option, GiD creates as many 4-sided surfaces as it can find. Every new surface will be created in the
Page: Automatic surfaces
A tool to automatically create contact surfaces between pairs of lines (of a selection) on the same location. If the same contact surface exists it is not created again
Page: Automatic volumes
Menu: Geometry->Create→Automatic volumes A tool to automatically create contact volumes between pairs of surfaces (of a selection) on the same location. If the same contact volume exists it is not created again


Page: Background Image
Menu: View->Background image GiD allows an image to be used as a background for visualization purposes (the supported image formats are gif, png, jpeg, tiff, bmp, tga and ppm). There are the following options: Fit screen: an image will be shown in GiD's b
Page: Base
Mouse menu: Contextual->Base If the Base button is selected (it is set by default to No Base), a point can be retrieved from any of the other modes. Then, the coordinates of this point, instead of being used immediately, are written in the command line an
Page: Batch file
Menu: Files->Import->Batch file... Sometimes, you may wish to organise a number of commands into a group outside GiD, ready to be implemented in one go. To do so, commands can be written in a file and GiD will read this file and execute the commands. Thes
Page: Boundary layer
Menu: Mesh->Boundary layer A boundary layer mesh is one mesh attached to the boundary, and which has a specific distribution of nodes separated from the boundray following a given stretching function. The streching function and the grow factor of the boun
Page: Boundary layer 
image2022-5-26_19-33-28.png Boundary layer mesh These preferences control the boundary layer mesh properties. Stretching function: this variable set the stretching function which controls the height of each layer of boundary layer mesh. Options are the ne
Page: Boundary layer  
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Boundary layer With this option you can see the first layer height of the boundary layers set in the model (see Boundary layer). In '2 dimensional' option the lines from which the boundary layer will grow are shown, and in '3 dimensional


Page: Calculate
Menu: Calculate→Calculate This option begins the process module. Once it is selected, you can continue working with GiD as usual.
Page: Calculate menu
With this menu, you can initiate and manage the analysis of a problem. hereafter referred to as a "process". You will see in the sections that follow that several analyses, or processes, can be run at the same time.
Page: Calculate remote
Menu: Calculate->Calculate remote This option begins the process module on a remote machine. Once it is selected, you can continue working with GiD as usual. Note: ProcServer with the same model problem type must be installed and running on the remote mac
Page: Calculate window
Menu: Calculate->Calculate window... Selecting this option opens a window in which a list of all the running processes is shown, along with some useful information like name, starting time, etc. worddavf1eac18d1f617124f38ca5994be12342.png The buttons in t
Page: Calculation file
Menu: Files->Export->Calculation file... If GiD runs the solver module automatically, this command is not necessary. However, it is useful if the solver program has to be run outside GiD, or to check the data input prior to any calculations. This command
Page: Calculator
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Calculator... worddavbc399c272caab09c9745c611b2133c5a.png This option opens a scalar and vector calculator. Clicking the help button open a dedicated help section. It is possible to transfer scalar and vector points and distances be
Page: Calculix
Menu: Files->Import→Calculix... Reads a Calculix geometry (.fbd extension). Calculix is an structural solver, this format consists of a collection of Calculix commands and it is mainly used to store geometrical information like points, lines, surfaces and
Page: Calculix 
Menu: Files->Import->Calculix... Reads a Calculix result files (.frd extension). Calculix is an structural solver, with an Abaqus-like input format. This importer/exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin. It read mesh and results.
Page: Cancel process
Menu: Calculate->Cancel process Selecting a proces that is currently running and clicking this option will halt its execution.
Page: Cartesian
Menu: Mesh→Cartesian Note: to show the cartesian menus it is necessary to declare in Utilities->Preferences... Meshing→General the Mesh type as 'Cartesian', then then interface changes showing the cartesian options and menus, and hidding the tools of clas
Page: Cartesian 
Note: this tab only appear if Mesh type is set to Cartesian in Meshing -> Generalimage2022-5-26_19-32-53.png Cartesian mesher These parameters control the properties the Cartesian grid meshes: mesher: algorithm selection: Scan convert: voxelize in 3D with
Page: Caution
When the result's cache is used, the result's files remains opened, to make the retrieval of the results faster. If a simulation is done on a cluster where the model is partitioned in 1024 pieces then 1024 separated result's files are generated. When thes
Page: Center
The default center of rotation is defined as a point approximately in the center of the geometry. If you wish to change this center point, use this command to enter a point (see Point definition). This new center of rotation will be maintained until the n
Page: CGNS
Menu: Files->Import->CGNS... Reads a mesh and results in .cgns CGNS format.
Page: CGNS mesh
Menu: Files->Import->CGNS mesh... With this option it is possible to read a .cgns mesh with CGNS binary format. CGNS is an standard format, specialized for the storage and retrieval of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data.
Page: Change legend title (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Change legend title image2024-5-15_10-50-22.png Allows the user to change the title of the legend.
Page: Chordal error
image2022-5-26_19-33-48.png Chordal error This set of parameters control the chordal error of the surface and line meshes of the whole model. They are always considered when using the MinElem surface unstructured mesher (Structuration type), and they are
Page: Classic GiD theme
The GUI appearance of GiD can be configured to "Classic GiD" This option can be set from Utilities->Preferences and selecting Graphical->Appearance->Theme branch. image2024-5-15_8-46-32.png After restarting GiD, the GUI will appear as follows: image2024-5
Page: Clip planes
Menu: View->Clip planes... This window lets you hide the front or back of the view. worddav5757db9b10e6f58d036e17772f1d9ed1.png Clip planes is a way to prevent GiD from drawing elements of the geometry or mesh that are either very close to or far from the
Page: Collada
Menu: Files->Import→Collada With this option it is possible to read collada mesh files, with .dae extension. COLLADA (COLLAborative Design Activity) is an interchange format, xml-based for interactive 3D applications. This importer is implemented as a pur
Page: Collada 
Menu: Files->Import->Collada... With this option it is possible to read collada mesh files, with .dae extension. COLLADA (COLLAborative Design Activity) is an interchange format, xml-based for interactive 3D applications. This importer is implemented as a
Page: Collapse
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Collapse The Collapse function converts coincident entities, i.e. entities that are very close to each other, into one. The ImportTolerance variable (see Preferences) determines which entities will be collapsed. Where the distance bet
Page: Collapse 
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh→Collapse The Collapse function converts coincident entities, i.e. entities that are close each other, into one. It is possible to collapse edges, nodes, elements or the whole mesh. Collapse mesh collapses all the nodes of the mesh. C
Page: Colors
image2024-5-14_15-2-27.png Entities color If 'Frozen layers greyed out' is set then entities on frozen layers are drawn in gray color instead of its normal color. Entities color: This option allows the user to set the colors used to draw the geometrical a
Page: Command line
worddav5abd08ce53ae32ada29d3844eb180fcb.png All commands may be entered via the command line (found at the bottom of the GiD window) by typing the full name or only part of it (long enough to avoid confusion with other commands); commands are not case-sen
Page: Command line extra file
It is possible to provide an extra file, named 'argv.txt', located in the program folder and then the content of the line of this file will be appended to that argv array of command line arguments This option is interesting in the case of install a single
Page: Command line flags
When starting the GiD program from a shell or script it is possible to supply several options in the same command line. Command line syntax: gid -h -n|-n2 ?-b <batch_file>? ?-t <tcl_command>? ?-p <problemtype>? ?-e <cmd>? ?-c|-c2 <ini_file>? ?-m <macros_f
Page: Comments
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Comments... Comments can be added to images created with GiD by using this command. Click Apply to display the text on the screen as it will appear when printed - either to a file (see Print to file) or otherwise; comments can be ch
Page: Conditions
Menu: Data→Conditions Conditions are all the properties of a problem (except materials) that can be assigned to an entity. An example would be the boundary forces and displacement constraints in a solid mechanic analysis or initial velocities in a CFD ana
Page: Console Python
Menu: Utilities→Tools→Console Python... This open a IDLE shell console to use Pyhton commands interactively for developer or advanced users. Note: this console uses the GiD-tcl interpreter, then is possible to use not only Python standard commands, but al
Page: Console Tcl
Menu: Utilities→Tools→Console Tcl... This open a tkcon console to use Tcl commands interactively for developer or advanced users. Note: this console uses the GiD-tcl interpreter, then is possible to use not only Tcl standard commands, but also GiD added c
Page: Contact
Menu: Geometry->Create→Contact Contact surfaces and volume are pseud-geometric entities that act as a link between a pair of 'similar entities' Both entities must be on the same 3D location, or in different locations (separated volumes) with a solid-rigid
Page: Contour fill
Menu: View results->Contour fill Toolbar: worddav3656a5bbf55529b18d95074ac4a2a7d7.png This option allows the visualization of colored zones, in which a variable or a component varies between two defined values. GiD can use as many colors as permitted by t
Page: Contour fill and lines
image2024-5-14_16-31-12.png Contour fill options Draw contour fill: By number of colors: Here the number of colors of the results color map can be specified. By width interval: Fixes the width of each color zone. For instance, if a width interval of 2 is
Page: Contour lines
Menu: View results->Contour lines Toolbar: worddav3055dc91ac2d5fe3c81d4d9348e130ce.png This display option is quite similar to Contour Fill (see Contour fill), but here the isolines of a certain nodal variable are drawn. In this case, each color ties seve
Page: Contour ranges
Menu: View results->Contour ranges This is the same as the Contour Fill visualization type, but the color areas are created following a 'Result range table' specified in the results file (see Result Range Table from Customization Manual), and the names of
Page: Convert
Menu: Geometry->Convert Cuts to sets (creates all results): With this options cuts can be converted to surface sets so they can be saved, or cut again. Iso surfaces (all) to cuts (interpolates results on demand): With this options all the isosurfaces will
Page: Convert to NURBS
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Convert to NURBS This option converts the selected lines or surfaces to NURBS lines or NURBS surfaces. Note: Some algorithms only work with NURBS entities.
Page: Coordinates window (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Coordinates window... Status toolbar: worddav57e5881e07aababae501a482a8c15fca.png This option opens a window used to enter points (see Point definition). It can be used in any place where it is possible to enter a point. image2021-
Page: Copy
Menu: Utilities->Copy... Toolbar: worddavc70c9cfd6324a073a190a5dfea0573f4.png
Page: Courses
Menu: Help→Courses This option gives access to some extra tutorial courses which help the user to start learning GiD from a practical point of view.
Page: Cover mesh
Menu: Files->Export->Cover mesh... After visualizing the cover mesh of the points/nodes, this mesh can be saved for other uses.
Page: Covering mesh
Menu: Geometry->Covering mesh Another feature in GiD is the calculation of the involving mesh of a set of points or nodes. To switch the visualization of this mesh on and off just select Geometry -> Covering mesh. After saying 'Yes' to the visualization o
Page: Create
This menu is for the generation of all the different possible geometrical entities. Usually, new entities are created inside the current layer (see Layers and groups (only Preprocessing)).
Page: Create boundary mesh
Menu: Mesh->Create boundary mesh This option creates the boundary mesh of the existing mesh. The boundary mesh for triangular or quadrilateral meshes is a line element mesh. The boundary mesh for tetrahedra or brick meshes is a triangular or quadrilateral
Page: Create delaunay meshes
Menu: Geometry->Create delaunay meshes This option allows the user to create delaunay meshes from the nodes of the postprocess model in three ways: One for each visible mesh: creates separate delaunay meshes, one for each displayed mesh/set/cut Single mes
Page: Create element
This tool allows the manual creation of mesh elements, entering its connectivities (nodes must be previously created). For cartesian meshes, it is only needed to specify the nodes of two opposite corners. Multiple elements will be created to fill all cell
Page: Create graphs
Menu: Window->Create graphs... worddav0d3e57b8ee0989952b7b7b7fcf2eca7b.png With this window the user can create graphs from other graphs. The following operators needs two operands: +, -, * and /. The first operand is a result and the second operand can b
Page: Create node
This tool allow the manual creation of mesh nodes, entering its x,y,z coordinates.
Page: Create result
Menu: Window->Create result... There are two options to create results: using the Window->Create result... or using macros worddavf0d88e55353618c85454ba6682471af8.png The following operators needs two operands: +, -, * and /. The first operand is a result
Page: Create statistical result
Menu: Window->Create statistical result... This window allows the user to create a statistical result from previous results. User can choose between several operators: minimum maximum average accumulated standard deviation integral value (with an option t
Page: Curvatures (only Preprocessing)
Menu: View->Curvatures->Surfaces Draw a contour fill of the curvature of all visible surfaces on each point and a scale of colors to represent its values Definition of the surface curvature at a point: For two-dimensional surfaces embedded in R3, consider
Page: Customization help
Menu: Help->Customization help This option gives access to the Customization part of GiD Help. Beginners could ignore this manual and follow the tutorials of the user manual. The information is important for advanced users that want to adapt GiD for their
Page: Customizing Problem type registration
GiD provides a default validation when registering a module or problem type. This consists of checking that the password is not empty. If the password is valid, GiD appends a line to the file <problem type>/password.txt similar to this: hostname password
Page: Cut
Menu: Files->Import->Cut... Reads cut planes, cut wires and iso-surface cuts in GiD so that the same cuts and cut-spheres can be used among several postprocess meshes.
Page: Cut 2D polygonal
Menu: Geometry->Cut 2D polygonal Here you can define a polygonal on the screen. This polygonal is then used to cut the triangular and quadrilateral meshes to create a cut mesh of lines. So when the surfaces are deformed, the polygonal cut is deformed too.
Page: Cut plane
Menu: Geometry->Cut plane Here you can cut and divide volumes, surfaces and transform cuts into true meshes. A cut of a volume mesh results in a cut plane. The cut is done for all the meshes, even those that are switched Off. When cutting surfaces, a line
Page: Cut sphere
Menu: Geometry->Cut sphere Here you can define a sphere which will be used to cut the volume and surface meshes, resulting in triangle or line cut meshes respectively.
Page: Cut 
Saves cut planes, cut wires and iso-surface mesh cuts so that the same cuts can be used among several postprocess meshes. Cut spheres can also be saved. The information stored to the file from a 'Cut Plane' is the plane equation that defines the plane ( A
Page: Cylindrical coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates can be entered as: r<angle,z The z_coordinate may be omitted and angles are defined in degrees. Cylindrical coordinates can be applied to global and local coordinate systems. The following are valid examples of the same point defin


Page: Data menu
All the data that defines the problem and that is managed in the data menus, depends on the Problem Type and will change for every different problem type. The following help will describe the common interfaces to all the possible data. Data for a problem
Page: Data units
Menu: Data->Data units Data units refer to the units defined in the problem. This option only appears if the problem type loaded has units defined. You have to declare the length units of the current model and the unit system to be used when writing coord
Page: Debugger
Menu: Data->Problem type→Debugger... This tool is a graphical debugger for the scripting language Tcl/Tk. It can be opened also with the <F12> key This debugger has additional capabilities such as: Editing the code. It is possible to edit the code inside
Page: Default
To set all default mesh criteria to the selected entities
Page: Default analysis/step
Menu: View results->Default Analysis/Step Toolbar: worddav7de8bbcf4948fcc528bc00148f30b23b.png
Page: Deformation
Menu: View results->Deformation Toolbar: worddav3536e385c5f943ff1c23ce92ba9c391b.png Volumes, surfaces and cuts can be deformed according to a nodal vector and a factor. When doing this all the results are drawn on the deformed volumes, surfaces and cuts.
Page: Delete
Menu: Geometry->Delete Toolbar: worddavc6653bbe8587df80837deed4d3ed7643.png The deletion of entities can be done in two ways: at one level (point, line, surface or volume) or erasing all entities at once. A selection is made (see Entity selection) in both
Page: Delete (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Utilities→Delete Deletes meshes, sets and cuts.
Page: Delete 
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh→Delete To delete elements or nodes, select them in the usual way (see Entity selection), and then press escape (see Escape) to perform the action. If the 'Also lower entities' check option is set then are deleted the selected entitie
Page: Delete  
Page: Detach from geometry
Since GiD 16 the mesh is stored locally in each geometric entity, this allow several extra features, but also can become a big overhead in terms of memory and CPU in some functions Detach from geometry move all meshes distributed along geometric entities
Page: Develop
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Develop... Collection of utilities of interest for a developer of a problemtype at scripting level
Page: Dimension
Menu: Utilities→Dimension With the dimensions option it is possible to add textual information to your model. This information can be moved to a different layer or deleted. worddav4e7dbf7fa3dc03c25999a8e276a3d7c0.png The following options are available: M
Page: Display vectors
Menu: View results->Display vectors Toolbar: worddav0fdd60c1caf1af6393f93f6cbb151f54.png This option displays a menu with results from vectors and matrices (where the principal values have been previously evaluated by the program). From the menu of variab
Page: Distance
Menu: Utilities→Distance The Distance command gives the distance between two existing or new points.
Page: Distribution...
Menu: View results→Distribution This option opens a window that shows information about the amount of entities with result on each span from a minimum and maximum of the result values. Result must be an scalar or the modulus of a vectorial result or a com
Page: Divide
Menu: Geometry->Divide Volume Sets: Specify a plane which is used to divide the meshes. Several options can be used to enter this plane. With Two Points (the default), the plane is defined by the corresponding line and the direction orthogonal the screen.
Page: Divide 
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Divide The Divide command can be applied either to lines, polylines , surfaces (including trimmed surfaces), and volumes. Polylines: In the case of polylines, an existing interior point must be chosen. The polyline will be converted i
Page: Draw
Menu: Mesh→Draw This option is used to draw the meshing properties assigned to the geometrical entities.
Page: Draw condition
The DrawAll option draws all the conditions assigned to all the entities. This means that a graphical symbol or condition name will be drawn over every entity that has this condition. If one particular condition is selected, you can choose Draw for just o
Page: Draw material
This option draws a color indicating the selected material for all the entities that have it assigned. It is possible to draw just one material type or, alternatively, to draw all materials. To select just some of them use a:b and all material numbers tha
Page: Duplicate
Use the Duplicate option when you want to create a discontinuity in the mesh in a particular place by duplicating nodes. This is interesting, for example, when dealing with very thin shapes where it is difficult to represent the domain with two overlapped
Page: Duplicate 
Menu: Mesh->Draw→Duplicate With this option you can see the entities that have been assigned duplicate mesh (see Duplicate ).
Page: DXF
Menu: Files->Import->DXF... With this option it is possible to read a file in DXF format (AutoCAD exchange format). GiD is able to read most of the entities, which are: POINT, LINE, ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, SPLINE, LWPOLYLINE, MLINE, POLYLINE, VERTEX, TRACE,
Page: DXF 
Menu: Files->Export→DXF... GiD can export the geometry in DXF format (AutoCAD exchange format). Points and curves are correctly exported, but a surface must be converted into a mesh of triangles, because DXF does not support Trimmed NURBS Surfaces.


Page: Earth vision grid
Menu: Files→Import→Earth vision grid With this option it is possible to read Earth vision grid files (structured meshes of quadrilaterals or cartesian meshes) This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl plugin, with limited features.
Page: Edit
These are the GiD editing options for geometrical entities:
Page: Edit mesh
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh GiD offers you several options for modifying an existing mesh. All modifications will be lost when the mesh is generated again.
Page: Edit NURBS
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Edit NURBS Edit NURBS line: Tool to modify some NURBS geometric properties, like control points, degree, etc. worddavab70fbeb19f1d8af620ba0bc87fb5ab9.png Once a NURBS line is selected (use the Pick button in the Edit NURBS Line windo
Page: Element type
Menu: Mesh->Element type With this command, the desired element type is assigned to a geometrical entity. It is only necessary to do this when the element type is different from the default (see Mesh Menu). The different options are: Default: For surfaces
Page: Element type 
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Element type With this option you can see which element types have been assigned to each geometric entity. If no element type has been assigned, it is shown as Default (see Mesh Menu).
Page: EMA3D
Menu: Files->Import→EMA3D... With this option it is possible to read CADfix - EMA3D cartesian mesh files, with .emin extension. This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl plugin, with limited features. The file information is converted into a preprocess c
Page: Entering points by coordinates
GiD offers a window for entering points in order to create geometries easily, defining fixed or relative coordinates as well as different reference systems - cartesian, cylindrical or spherical. The coordinates of a point can be entered either in the ente
Page: Entities
This option open a new window that show the list of the entities where a condition is applied, and its values. worddavc56b40c5f7506ea47b8c7f0f01608e9c.png A double-click on a line will point to the entity where the condition is applied. Transfer: selectin
Page: Entity selection
Many commands need to be supplied with entities before they can be applied and the method of selection is always the same. Before selecting entities, you are prompted to decide whether to select points, lines, surfaces or volumes (in some cases this decis
Page: Erase mesh
Menu: Mesh->Erase mesh... If the model has a mesh this option erases it.
Page: Escape
The escape command is used for moving up a level within the Right buttons menus, for finishing most commands, or for finishing selections and other utilities. This command can be applied by: pressing the middle mouse button; pressing the <ESC> key; pressi
Page: Exchange material
It is possible to import and export materials between the model database and an external one. Typically, one centralized database of materials is maintained and every new model gets its properties from there. Note: If you wish to exchange materials with t
Page: Exodus II
Menu: Files->Import->Exodus II With this option it is possible to read Exodus II mesh files, with .e extension. EXODUS II is a model developed to store and retrieve data for finite element analyses. The EXODUS II library is maintained in the Sandia Nation
Page: Exodus II 
Menu: Files->Export→Exodus ||... GiD can export the mesh by groups in Exodus II HDF5 format (files with .e extension).
Page: Export
GiD lets you export geometrical models, meshes or results in the following formats.
Page: Export postprocess
Page: Export preprocess
Page: Extract boundaries
Menu: Geometry->Extract boundaries Extracts boundaries from shown volume and surface meshes; for each mesh creates a new set with its boundary elements. The original mesh is left untouched.


Page: FAQ
Menu: Help→FAQ This option gives access to a list of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related with GiD.
Menu: Files->Import->FEMAP... Reads FEMAP Neutral ASCII files and binary files.
Page: Files Menu
image2024-5-15_9-1-46.png GiD includes the usual ways of saving and reading saved information (Save, Read) as well as other operations, such as importing external files, saving in other formats and so on.
Page: First start
The first time that you execute GiD, the following window will be displayed. image2024-5-14_16-39-54.png Where you can choose OpenGL working mode and GiD theme. This options can be found inside GiD in Utilities -> Preferences window Also it's possible to
Page: Fonts
The user can select the fonts for the different text objects with the Fonts panel in the preferences window. In postprocess a new fonts management system has been implemented. Now GiD uses directly True Type Fonts (R) to draw text inside the postprocess g
Page: Force points to
The 'Force points to' option forces the selected points to belong to the surface or volume mesh, even though they do not necessarily belong to the surface or the volume topologically. By default no point is forced to any surface or volume mesh. worddav826
Page: Force points to 
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Force point to With this option you can see the number of points forced to be in the mesh of a surface or volume (see Force points to).
Page: Full screen
Menu: View->FullScreen Toolbar: worddave533313c6fc542ef9303874e256a0d52.png ShortCut: F11 Causes GiD graphical window to be full screen, hiding menus, toolbars, command line and the window decoration. 3D stereo experience is best achieved with this view m


Page: Gcode
Menu: Files->Import→Gcode With this option it is possible to read Gcode mesh files, with .gcode, .ncc, .ngc, .tap extension. Gcode is a format to to control automated machine tools (3D printers, milling machines) This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl
Page: General
The first group of Preferences are general options, and are used to set the different ways of working with GiD.
Page: General 
In this branch, the general aspects for meshing are considered. The parameters set here are taking into account for all the available meshers inside GiD. image2024-5-14_15-14-56.png Mesh type GiD can work with three main mesh types: Body-fitted: This mesh
Page: Generate mesh
Menu: Mesh->Generate mesh... When everything is ready for mesh generation, select this command. If there is a previously generated mesh, GiD asks if this should be erased. It will be lost from the memory, but will remain on the disk until the project is n
Page: Geometry from mesh
Menu: Geometry->Create->Geometry from mesh One node-one point Creates a geometrical point for each node selected. Layer, material and groups of nodes are preserved in points. One element-one line Creates a geometrical line for each line mesh element and p
Page: Geometry menu
All available geometrical operations - generating, manipulating and deleting entities - are included in this chapter. Menu: View->Mode->Geometry Toolbar: worddava1d650b97a542fb7253df9a30b544421.png This command changes from mesh visualization to geometry
Page: Geometry menu 
Page: GiD Basics
GiD is a geometrical system in the sense that, having defined the geometry, all the attributes and conditions (i.e. material assignments, loading, conditions, etc.) are applied to the geometry without any reference to a mesh. Only when everything has been
Page: GiD Manuals
The whole GiD manual is splitted in 3 volumes: Reference, User and Customization manuals. In this volume, Reference Manual, there is a first part devoted to general aspects, which provides information on the basic aspects of the program. In this way, you
Page: GiD mesh
Menu: Files->Import->GiD mesh... With this option it is possible to read a GiD ASCII mesh (saved with Export GiD Mesh) in order to visualize it within GiD. It is also possible to read a new mesh and add it to the existing one. In this case, you are prompt
Page: GiD mesh 
Menu: Files->Export->GiD mesh... With this option a file is written with all of the project's mesh or meshes inside as a GiD ASCII mesh. This file can be read with Import GiD Mesh (see GiD mesh).
Home page: GiD reference manual
GiDlogo.png Reference Manual GiD The universal, adaptative and user friendly pre and postprocessing system for computer analysis Developers Miguel Pasenau de Riera Enrique Escolano Tercero Abel Coll Sans Adrià Melendo Ribera Anna Monros Bellart Javier
Page: GiDML mesh
Menu: Files->Import->GiDML mesh... With this option it is possible to read the input and output meshes stored in a .gidml file in order to visualize it within GiD. GiDML is the input/output format (HDF5 based) for GiD Mesh Library. See https://www.gidsimu
Page: Granular
Granular is a sphere or circle mesher included as an optional plugin. It try to pack spheres with tangency. Spheres could cross a little the volume boundary. It allow to specify particle radius based on statistical distributions. The algorithm is based in
Page: Graph
Menu: Files->Import->Graph... Adds graphs to those that may or may not have already been created inside GiD.
Page: Graphical
The graphical preferences allows the user to manage several visualization settings from the GUI appearance, through several control parameters of the internal rendering engine, to the colors used to drawn the geometrical primitives and elements. None of t
Page: Graphs
Menu: View results->Graphs Toolbar: worddavf0ec55e8ddb0f3278704d7769b2e380e.png Point evolution Line graph Point graph Border graph Integrate Point complex evolution Clear From this menu several graphs types can be created and deleted. Graphs are supporte
Page: Graph 
Menu: Files->Export->Graph... Saves graphs in ASCII (gnuplot) format. If the option All is chosen, you will be asked for a prefix. GiD will then create a file for each graph with the names prefix-1.cur , prefix-2.cur , prefix-3.cur and so on. Read the GiD
Page: Grid
Toolbar: worddav70a75bc599b303b92b1bb166b109ace4.png It is possible to use an auxiliary grid of lines to define 2D points easily. The 'snap' function can be activated to force points to grid intersections. From the preferences window (see Preferences) it
Page: Grid 
The seventh group of preferences contains grid options (see Grid). This 'working grid' is an auxiliary grid on the xy plane that allows the user to select the coordinates of points in its grid nodes, setting the 'Activate snap' option. Also this grid is a


Page: Help
Menu: Help->Help This option gives access to the GiD reference manual help (this manual), that shows information about the commands classified by menus. Beginners must start following the tutorials of the user manual. The reference manual must be consulte
Page: Help Menu
GiD provides a help system. You can access the following sections: Reference Help, Customization, Tutorials, What is new, FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and Courses. The help window provides two ways of accessing a given topic: a) through a table of con
Page: Higher entities (only Preprocessing)
Menu: View->Higher entities With this option, it is possible to color-code geometrical entities according to their Higher Entity number. The Higher Entity number is the number of other entities that a given entity belongs to. If mesh mode is set, you can
Page: Hole surface
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Hole surface To add a hole to a NURBS or planar surface With lines: With this option you can select one existing NURBS or planar surface and a set of closed lines that are inside it and that form one or more holes. The lines may be c
Page: Hole volume
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Hole volume It is possible to add holes to a volume. To do so, start by creating the interior volumes as independent volumes. After this, click the Hole button and select the outside volume. Then, select the interior volumes that for
Page: How it works
worddav42d80c1c930c09b46f28920f4dfd828c.png The Result's cache mechanism allows the analysis and visualization of lots of results which, otherwise, could not be held entirely in memory. Instead of loading all results from the file(s), a certain amount of


Page: Id
Menu: Utilities→Id This command gives the label and coordinates of an existing or new point. Different options for getting information about an existing point are available in the Contextual menu.
Page: IFC
Menu: Files->Import->IFC... With this option it is possible to read IFC 4 open building models (used for BIM, Building Information Modeling). These files have the .ifc extension.
Page: IGES
Menu: Files->Import->IGES... With this option it is possible to import a file in IGES format (version 5.3); GiD is able to read most of the entities, which are: Entity number and type (Notes) 100 Circular arc 102 Composite curve 104 Conic arc (ellipse, hy
Page: IGES 
Menu: Files->Export→IGES... GiD can export the geometry in IGES format (version 5.3). If the preference 'IGES:B-Rep output style' is set (see Preferences ), then the output file is written in Boundary representation solid model style; otherwise the surfac
Page: Image to clipboard
Menu: View->Image to clipboard This option takes the image of the model in the actual view and sends it to the clipboard; it can then be pasted wherever you wish.
Page: Import
GiD lets you import geometrical models, meshes or results in the following formats.
Page: Import and Export
The fourth group of preferences are geometry exchange (import and export) options. image2022-5-26_19-41-5.png Import Automatic Collapse After Import: If this option is set then after reading one external format file (IGES, DXF, etc.) one global collapse i
Page: Import postprocess
Page: Import preprocessing
The file browser could allow some extra "Import options", depending on each case. Usually these options are hidden, press the arrow icon, if any, to show them e.g. image-20240515-131524.png Most preprocess importations have as extra options the ones relat
Page: Insert GiD model
Menu: Files->Import->Insert GiD model... This command lets you insert one previously created GiD model inside another one. It imports the geometry, layers, mesh and groups information. Problemtype information is neglected. Entities from the old and the ne
Page: Integrate
With this option the user is able to: This step: get the integral value of a scalar or vectorial result over a set of elements. All step: get a graph of the integral values across all the analysis steps, of a scalar or vectorial result over a set of eleme
Page: Interface
image2022-5-26_19-39-38.png Messages options Language: This option sets the language GiD is working in. By now GiD messages are translated into English, Spanish, Russian and French . RamTranslator is used to deal with message catalogues for GiD and the tr
Page: Internet retrieve
Menu: Data->Problem type->Internet retrieve... With this option it is possible to download new problem types or update existing ones. It is also possible to download other resources like themes, fonts, translations, examples, plugins,... Note: You need to
Page: Intersection
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Intersection Using this option, the intersection of many geometrical entities can be performed. Lines: This option lets you select several lines for which GiD then tries to find as many intersection points as possible. Lines are divid
Page: Interval
Menu: Data→Interval Intervals are a way of separating information into several groups; information for every group can also be duplicated, if desired. When a new interval is defined, you can choose whether or not to copy all the new information about cond
Page: Interval data
Menu: Data->Interval Data This is the information that is specific to each individual interval (see Interval). It can be entered with the IntervalData command or in the Interval Data window. If entered in the window, the data is not accepted until you cli
Page: Invoking GiD
When installing GiD on Windows, the useful way is to start GiD from desktop icon: Captura de pantalla 2024-05-15 150900.png There is also added a direct access from the programs list of the start menu.
Page: Iso surfaces
Menu: View results->Iso surfaces Toolbar: worddav9df9fc1225b1327e337902d36184814c.png Here a surface is drawn that ties a fixed value inside a volume mesh; for surface meshes a line is drawn. To create iso-surfaces there are several options: Exact: After
Page: Iso surfaces 
image2024-5-14_16-32-19.png General options Display Style: For iso-surfaces there is also a Display Style option, like for Volumes/Surfaces/Cuts. The available options are: All Lines, Hidden Lines, Body, Body Lines (see View style ). Transparency: The iso
Page: Isometric
This option changes the view to isometric one, i.e. with the screen at the viewing direction that the angles between the projection of the x, y, and z axes are all the same. Isometric X, Y, Z set as vertical the X, Y or Z axis respectively.


Page: Join
Menu: Geometry→Join Joins several sets into one: Volume sets: joins several volume sets with the same element type into one. Surface sets: joins several surface sets with the same element type into one. Original sets are not deleted.
Page: Join 
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Join With this option you try to join connected entities. Join lines: To join the lines of a selection that are connected with 'similar tangent' (with an user tolerance). Note: the lines are not joined if the connection point belongs


Page: KML
Menu: Files->Import→KML... With this option it is possible to read files with the format KML (of Google Earth). Extra options: To projection: KML data is expressed as two dimension coordinates x,y that represents geographic latidude and longitude, it is p
Page: KML 
Menu: Files->Export->KML... With this option it is possible to write Kml files of Google Earth, in xml format (with .kml or .mkz extension for compressed files) This exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin. To properly geo-reference the mesh the current c


Page: Label
Menu: View->Label Mouse menu: Label With this option you can choose whether or not the entities should have their labels displayed. As suggested below, there are three options: show all entities with labels, show no entities with labels, or show some with
Page: Layers and groups (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Layers and groups... Mouse menu: Layers Toolbar: worddav845ed32b704ab99789e110ca83538a13.png Layers: Layers are a way to split a complex drawing up into separate pieces. The idea is that any entity can belong to one layer or to none (an e
Page: Legends and comments
image2022-5-26_19-46-36.png Legends options Draw legends: Legends can be switched on or off. Draw title: With this option the result name of the current visualization appears at the top of the legend. Opaque: Legends can be transparent, showing the result
Page: Line diagram
Menu: View results->Line diagram This result visualization option is only active when line elements are used in the mesh, and will only be represented over these line elements. When using this result visualization option, graph-style lines will be drawn o
Page: Line diagrams
image2022-5-26_19-56-47.png General options Show elevations: You can choose how the elevations are drawn. Elevations are lines that connect the nodes and the gauss points of the line element and the graph-style line that represents the result. None: Switc
Page: Line parameter
Mouse menu: Contextual->Line parameter Using this option, you can left-click on a curve in the graphical window and enter the line parameter value, from 0,0 to 1.0, and a point will be created on the curve at this parameter value.
Page: Line thickness
Menu: View results->Line Thickness Toolbar: worddavd1633c177da3682668d0d8e651064cd4.png With this visualization, the line elements will be drawn using the result's values as thickness. This option uses a result component, or a scalar value, and draws the
Page: Lines operations
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Line operations With this option you can edit groups of lines with respect to their topology and shape. Join lines end points: With the command Join lines end points, two lines must be selected. GiD determines the distance between th
Page: List
Menu: Utilities->List Toolbar: worddav5dbc6575e4c16c0dd64776873c905373.png image2024-6-7_16-12-42.png The List command gives information about the selected entities. This information is read-only. Preprocessing: Geometric entities: Points, lines, surfaces
Page: Load
Menu: Data->Problem type→Load... The Load... option allows you to load a previously installed problem type from the current or another directory. This possibility is useful when developing a new problem type which cannot be installed until it is finished,
Page: Local axes
Menu: Data->Local axes With this option, GiD lets you define new coordinate reference systems. They can be writen not only using cartesian reference systems, but also with reference to Euler angles. All user-defined systems are automatically calculated an
Page: Local-global coordinates
Local coordinates are always considered relative to the last point that was used, created or selected. The Utilities -> Id command allows you to make a reference to one point (see Id). Then, to define points using local coordinates referring to the same p


Page: Macros
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Macros... Toolbar: worddavb7dfcd3c97dd1e36c652e64f19448d27.png worddav234d70dc2384b00e6666aeac06353ca4.png 'Macros' window allows you to create sequences of commands and give them a name. This group of commands can also be recorded
Page: Mass (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities→Mass Information about physical properties is given: lengths of lines, center of mass, areas of surfaces, volumes of solids. It works for both the geometry and the mesh.
Page: Materials
Menu: Data→Materials For any problem that needs a definition of materials, there is a database of existing materials that can be assigned to entities. You can also create new materials derived from existing ones and assign them as well. image2024-5-15_11-
Page: Merge... (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Files→Merge... Reads mesh and results information from an ASCII or a binary file and adds them to the current ones. If nodes are already present inside GiD, they will be overwritten. It won't re-number entities. It could be used for example to merge
Page: Mesh / No mesh
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Mesh / No mesh With this option you can see the entities that has either been forced to mesh or forced not to mesh (see Mesh NoMesh). If the meshing criteria have not been assigned to an entity, it is shown as Default (see Mesh Menu).
Page: Mesh / NoMesh
The Mesh option lets you choose the entities to be meshed, while the No Mesh option does the opposite. By default, the No Mesh option is set. Default mesh set this flag as default, not explicitly set to Mesh or No mesh. It has to be considered that the me
Page: Mesh criteria
Menu: Mesh->Mesh criteria GiD provides four different criteria to generate the mesh. The Default option set all the other ones to the default value.
Page: Mesh elements
image2022-5-26_19-36-37.png Preferences window: Graphical -> Mesh elements Quadratic elements Draw quadratic elements: With this option you can specify how to visualize quadratic elements. Options are: No: If this option is set, quadratic elements are dr
Page: Mesh elements 
image2024-5-14_16-30-10.png General options Border angle: Select the angle criteria between faces to consider the shared edge a boundary edge, i.e. sharp edge, or not. Angles between normals of adjacent faces smaller than the criteria set will be consider
Page: Mesh menu
Generating a mesh is the process by which a mesh is calculated from the geometry definition of the domain. This mesh will be used for the numerical analysis at a later stage. Conditions (see Conditions) and materials (see Materials) assigned to geometric
Page: Mesh options from model
This option load the meshing parameters of the model, and overwrite the Preferences parameters with them. This parameters can also be used for meshing the model if the option 'Get meshing parameters from model' is set in the appearing window when 'Mesh->G
Page: Mesh quality
Menu: Mesh->Mesh quality This option opens a window that shows information about the quality of the mesh elements. worddav3b7afa109bcf970b8bf504832e4520fc.png There are ten criteria used to measure the quality of the elements, or to provide with some meas
Page: MeshFix
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh->MeshFix If fix some problems of the current triangle surface mesh, in particular it try to close holes of missing parts. This feature is implemented as a plugin that call the MeshFix Python library
Page: Meshing
The user can select the meshing options in the preferences window from this group.
Page: Meshio
Menu: Files->Import->Meshio With this option it is possible to read a lot of mesh formats, through the use of the 'meshio' Python library (https://github.com/nschloe/meshio https://github.com/nschloe/meshio) Note: most of these formats can be read with ot
Page: Meshio 
Menu: Files->Export->Meshio With this option it is possible to write a lot of mesh formats, through the use of the 'meshio' Python library (https://github.com/nschloe/meshio https://github.com/nschloe/meshio) Note: most of these formats can be written wit
Page: Mode
Menu: View->Mode This command lets you choose the GiD mode you wish to work with (Preprocess or Postprocess), and the different visualization options in each mode: Preprocessing: This command allows Mesh or Geometry visualization to be set. Toolbar: wordd
Page: Mouse operations
Mouse's buttons use As well as selecting the functions to be used, the left mouse button is used to select entities, either individually or picking several within a given area (see Entity selection), and to enter points in the plane z=0 (see Point definit
Page: Move (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities→Move... This command works like Copy but moves the entities instead of copying them. The program automatically checks to see if any of the entities must be copied instead of being moved (for example, if they also belong to other higher lev
Page: Move node
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh->Move node By using this command, an existing node is selected and moved. The new position is entered in the usual way (see Point definition).
Page: Move nodes z raster
Move the z coordinate of the nodes to the value interpolated by a raster file (an image with color encoding the z of each pixel)
Page: Move point
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Move point By using this command, an existing point is selected and moved. The new position is entered in the usual way (see Point definition). If the new position is an existing point (when using join), GiD will determine the distan
Page: Move screen objects
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Move Screen Objects This option lets you move screen objects (objects that do not belong to the model) such as axes, comments, legends, etc.
Page: Multiple windows
Menu: View->Multiple windows... The Multiple windows command lets you have several views of the same project. Different views can be displayed inside the program main window or in supplementary windows. image2024-5-15_15-22-43.png


Page: NASTRAN mesh
Menu: Files->Import->NASTRAN mesh... With this option it is possible to read a file in NASTRAN format (version 68), with GiD accepting most of its entities, which are: Entity name ( Notes) CBAR CBEAM CROD CCABLE CBUSH CELAS1 CELAS2 CELAS3 RBAR (translated
Page: NASTRAN mesh 
Menu: Files->Import->NASTRAN mesh... Reads a NASTRAN mesh file.
Page: New
Menu: Files->New Toolbar: worddav07579481720afc614d61e305a4d981ec.png Preprocessing: Selecting New opens a new project with no title assigned to it. If a project is currently open and changes have been made since it was last saved, GiD will give the optio
Page: New postprocess top menu
Postprocess top menu has changed from version 12. Some options have changed its location and/or name. This annex is a reference to find the old options in the new GiD versions. Utilities menu Collapse nodes: Geometry->Collapse nodes (see Collapse nodes) J
Page: No results
Menu: View results->No results Toolbar: worddav287e1a332c6f726bea763a69bedde708.png
Page: Node trace
This option allows the user to track nodes, whose traces are displayed. For a single mesh for the whole analysis, the node will follow the path of the deformed mesh across all steps. When several meshes are used for several time steps, then the nodes can
Page: Node trace 
Menu: View results->Delete->Node trace Select: This option lets you select the node traces to be deleted. All: This options delete all node traces of the model.
Page: Nodes-grid quadrilaterals
To create a grid of quadrilaterals from a cloud of 3D nodes. The user will be asked for the cell size. The z of the grid will be extrapolated averaging a collection of neighbor nodes. If the checkbox "Far points set nodata" is set, then grid points furthe
Page: Nodes-Raster
Menu: Files->Export->Nodes→Raster... With this option a file is written with a raster object created from the current mesh nodes. The size of the cell must be asked to the user. The file is saved with Arc/Info grid ASCII format. If the checkbox "Far point
Page: Normal in surface
Mouse menu: Contextual->Normal in surface Using this option, you can pick over a surface in the graphical window. A vector will be returned that is the normal to the surface at the point you have picked.
Page: Normals (only Preprocessing)
Menu: View->Normals->Lines Menu: View->Normals→Surfaces With this command GiD draws the direction and sense of the normals of lines and surfaces. Normals -> Lines: draws the direction of the selected lines. If the line lies on the plane z=0, GiD also disp
Page: Notes
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Notes... This is a simple text editor for writing small notes regarding the model. The content is saved in a file named ModelName.txt, with utf-8 encoding. image2022-5-26_20-5-16.png
Page: Num of divisions
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Num of divisions This option draws the number of divisions assigned to the structured lines of the model (see Structured).
Page: NURBS line
Menu: Geometry->Create->NURBS line Toolbar: worddavf2f12690eeb09a7e587756fde73fcd83.png Interpolation / Fitting /ByControlPts NURBS are non-uniform rational B-splines. NUBS is a kind of polynomial piecewise curve, defined by a degree, a control polygon an
Page: NURBS surface
Menu: Geometry->Create->NURBS surface Toolbar: worddav96daaa7d841417512b1583cecf45d205.png NURBS are non-uniform rational B-splines. They are a type of surface that is defined by its control polygon (one set of points that the surface approximates smoothl


Page: OBJ Wavefront mesh
Menu: Files->Import->OBJ Wavefront mesh... With this option it is possible to read mesh files with obj format (Wavefront Technologies). The variable ImportTolerance (see Preferences) controls the creation of new points when the file is read.
Page: Object
Menu: Geometry->Create->Object Toolbar: worddav7fa5844bdd4e57031a95b64a4cba03b7.png With this command it is possible to create the following kinds of objects: Rectangle Polygon Circle Sphere Cylinder Cone Prism Torus When creating an object, GiD asks for
Page: Object axes
This option allows a dynamic rotation of the object about its own axes. These are displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. When entering this command, Z-axis is set by default and moving the mouse to the left or to the right will rotate the
Page: Old types
Note: These old entities cannot be created from the menus or toolbars. It is still possible, however, to access to this function from the Right buttons.
Page: Open
Menu: Files->Open Toolbar: worddavc94fd7bce210d47fad183efa2b89ab85.png Preprocessing: With this command, a project previously saved with Save or with Save ASCII project can be opened. Postprocessing: Reads postprocess information in GiD. If, for instance,
Page: Open multiple... (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Files->Open multiple... To read multiple files and create postprocess mesh variable along time. Note: f the mesh must is constant along time maybe Files→Merge... must be used instead With this option you can load multiple meshes (pairs of .post.msh
Page: Options
Results' cache options can be found it Preferences --> Postprocess --> Post files: Post files The user can enable the Result's cache in the postprocess panel of the Utilities --> Preferences window. The size of the memory pool can also be adjusted by sele
Page: Other
image2024-5-14_14-53-37.png Backup Backup time (min): If this option is set and a model name is given, the model is saved automatically with the frequency given (in minutes). Record batch Write batch file: If this option is set and a filename is given, al
Page: Others
image2022-5-26_19-57-20.png Others Automatically convert cut to set: It this options is selected, cuts are automatically converted to sets (some operations are available for sets but not for cuts). Delaunay: cull big elements factor: this value is used to
Page: Other 
image2024-5-14_15-27-8.png Mesh / NoMesh Mesh until End: If this preference is set, the mesh generator will continue until it has completed the meshing process, even if there are surfaces or volumes that cannot be meshed. No Mesh Frozen layers: If this pr


Page: Page and capture settings
Menu: Files->Page and capture settings... worddave29762ff327264d5e2175f38ce4fe4ee.png This is the window where some print properties (page size, borders, etc.) and image/movie properties (image resolution, auto cropping, background) can be set up. These s
Page: Pan
Menu: View->Pan Mouse menu: Pan Toolbar: worddav36314443cea20115b8716e51e38d7c29.png Two points: This command allows the geometry to be moved within the graphical window. To do this, pick two points in the graphical window. Dynamic: In this case the objec
Page: Parametric line
Menu: Geometry->Create->Parametric line Tool to create a parametric approximated curve worddavd37e1b1e81a9538227d7ba25fa851632.png The data that must be input are the mathematical formulae of the coordinates X(t), Y(t) and Z(t), where 't' is the parameter
Page: Parametric surface
Toolbar: worddav96daaa7d841417512b1583cecf45d205.png worddav8277cb0697eb4438d53bb98e3993a41e.png worddav14250b2686a4b1d04a91f2421a8039ea.png The required input data are the mathematical formulae of the coordinates X(u,v), Y(u,v) and Z(u,v), where 'u' and
Page: Parasolid
Menu: Files->Import→Parasolid... With this option it is possible to read a file in the Parasolid format (untile version 30000 - ASCII or binary). The most usual Parasolid file extension is .x_t for ASCII and .x_b for binary format. The variable ImportTole
Page: Perspective
Menu: View->Perspective By default, a model is viewed inside GiD using an orthogonal projection. worddav4747746a46e417ac7c23344365471c2a.png With this option it is possible to change to a perspective projection. In this mode, you can choose a distortion f
Page: Picking in the graphical window
Points are picked in the graphical window in the plane z=0 according to the coordinates viewed in the window. Depending on the activated preferences (see Preferences), if you select a region located in the vicinity of an existing point, GiD asks whether i
Page: Planar surface creation
The planar surface has been substituted by the NURBS surface. The latter automatically detects if boundary lines lie in a plane and creates a planar NURBS. A planar surface is an entity formed by a closed set of lines, all of them lying on the same plane.
Page: Plane XY (Original)
This option changes the view to the original one, i.e. with the screen at a right angle to the Z-axis and with the X-axis lying horizontally and pointing to the right.
Page: Plane XZ
This option changes the view so that the screen is at a right angle to the Y-axis with the X-axis lying horizontally and pointing to the right.
Page: Plane YZ
This option changes the view so that the screen is at a right angle to the X-axis with the Y-axis lying horizontally and pointing to the right.
Page: Plugins
Menu: Files->Import->Plugins This kind of plugins are compiled dynamic libraries that fit the prototype defined by GiD to do specialized thinks. The loading/unloading mechanism works for all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X), but off course a compil
Page: Ply mesh
Menu: Files->Import->Ply mesh... With this option it is possible to read files with format Ply (Stanford mesh). Generally, it saves polygons. The variable ImportTolerance (see Preferences) controls the creation of new points when the file is read.
Page: Point
Menu: Geometry->Create→Point Individual points are created by entering each point in the usual way (see Point definition). The points can then be joined together to form lines. Caution: It is impossible to create new points joining old ones. The Number op
Page: Point definition
Many functions inside GiD need points to be defined by the user. Points are the lowest level of geometrical entity and therefore the most commonly used. Consequently, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of how to do this. Sometimes an e
Page: Point in line
Mouse menu: Contextual->Point in line With this option selected, when creating a new point or line, etc., you can only select points that lie on existing lines. To switch it off, simply select 'No Point in line'.
Page: Point in surface
Mouse menu: Contextual->Point in surface With this option selected, when creating a new point or line, etc., you can only select points that lie on existing surfaces. To switch it off, simply select 'No Point in surface'.
Page: Polyline
Menu: Geometry->Create→Polyline A polyline is a set of at least two other lines of any type (including polylines themselves). Every line must share one or two of its endpoints with the endpoints of other lines. There are two possible ways to create a poly
Page: Polyline 
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Polylines Explode polyline: This command lets you select which polylines you wish to explode; lines that are not polylines or have higher entities or conditions are rejected. After confirmation, the polylines are exploded and converte
Page: Post files
image2024-5-14_16-26-54.pnge Use results cache Enable the use of the result's cache mechanism, to allow reading big result files, without load all of them simultaneously. The Result's cache mechanism allows the analysis and visualization of lots of result
Page: Post information
ASCII files: saves meshes, sets and results to ASCII files using the new PostProcess format (see Postprocess results format: ProjectName.post.res and Postprocess mesh format: ProjectName.post.msh from Customization Manual). If multiple meshes are read wit
Page: Postprocess
Note: You should be in Postprocess to configure this section. Several postprocess options can be configured in this level:
Menu: Files->Postprocess Toolbar: worddav9da5bb4b29962f362b546f12f3d1489e.png This chapter describes some relevant aspects of the postprocessing step and the way to load results from a numerical analysis into GiD. In GiD Postprocess you can study the resu
Page: Postprocessing 
Use this window to change the current comment. See Legends and comments for more information. worddav4bc69795565567a238940ab6385c0d13.png You can also create your own automatic comments, just by filling in the comment lines. To tell the program where the
Page: Postprocessing  
When you select the Copy tool, the Transformations window appears. This window allows you to repeat the visualization using translation, rotation and mirror transformations, so that GiD can draw a whole model when only a part of it was analyzed. worddav77
Page: Preferences
Menu: Utilities->Preferences... Toolbar: worddav1bf8b1f2eb7e8c245326af482c8616e5.png Note: There are many settings in GiD that have a predefined value, but that can be modified by the user. They can be accessed in one of two ways. Firstly, by opening the
Page: Preprocess-Postprocess
Menu: Files->Preprocess Menu: Files->Postprocess Toolbar: worddav7521cad9efdfc4989c2d85ec65ab7e1f.png This command allows you to move between GiD Preprocess and Postprocess.
Page: Preprocessing 
worddavdfcb05ebe48489b7d43eacece71f5c4b.png Copy is a general function that allows you to select a group of entities and copy them with a movement operation performed, either translation, rotation, mirror, scale or offset. Select the type of entities to c
Page: Print
Menu: Files->Print... Toolbar: worddav29348f2f2d96db4edfc883f2709bf6cd.png Sends the current image to the selected printer.
Page: Print to file
Menu: Files->Print to file Toolbar: worddav85163199e6fb5de7b0829b704628bf90.png This option asks you for a file name and saves an image in the required format. The properties of the image (resolution, size, etc.) can be assigned in Page and capture settin
Page: Problem data
Menu: Data->Problem Data Problem data refers to all the data that is associated generally with the problem. This means that it is not related to a geometrical entity and it does not change for every interval of the analysis. It can be entered with the Pro
Page: Problem type
Menu: Data->Problem type This option lets you choose between all installed Problem Types. When selecting a new problem type, all information about materials, conditions and other data parameters that were already selected or defined is lost. Note: When de
Page: Profile Tcl
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Profile Tcl To profile the Tcl procs used between a start and end of profile. The first click start profiling, the second click end profiling and a report of the results is shown, to identify time spent by each proc and the number o
Page: Pybaqus
Menu: Files->Import->Pybaqus... With this option it is possible to read Abaqus mesh and result ASCII files, with .fil extension. This importer is implemented as a Tcl plugin using the Pybaqus https://github.com/cristobaltapia/pybaqusPyhton module, with li
Page: Python list
Menu: Files->Export->Python list... With this option it is possible to export the mesh and results with Python list syntax, to facilitate be read for some external script written in this language. This exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin.


Page: Quadratic type
Menu: Mesh->Quadratic type This property set the quadratic type of the elements generated. It is applied to the mesh of the whole model. User can choose between three options: Linear: linear elements are made. Quadratic: the elements will be quadratic, wi
Page: Quit
Menu: Files→Quit The Quit command is used to finish the working session. If there have been changes since the session was last saved, GiD asks you to save them.


Menu: Files→Import→RASTER GDAL... With this option it is possible to read most kind of raster image formats, and convert them to a grid of squares z(x,y). The typical use is to convert topographic images into a structured mesh. This importer is implemente
Page: RBall
Rball is a sphere or circle mesher included internally in GiD. It has several algorithms in order to try to pack spheres with tangency. Spheres are tried to be packed without cross the volume boundary. The different options to choose are: image2022-5-26_1
Page: Read batch window
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Read batch window... A batch file can be read to execute some functions (see Batch file) or to create an animated view of these operations. This latter case can be performed with the Read batch window. worddav25ab3a6b414efce58077b0
Page: Rebuild surface by boundary
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Rebuild surface by boundary After selecting some surfaces, each surface will be remplaced by a NURBS surface created by the boundary information. Note: Selected surfaces are not joined, they will be rebuild independently.
Page: Recent post files
Menu: Files->Recent post files You can quickly gain access to files opened recently with GiD. A list of the most recent files read in postprocess is shown, so the user can select them quickier.
Page: Recent projects
Menu: Files->Recent projects You can quickly gain access to files opened recently with GiD. A list of the most recent GiD projects are shown to be loaded The number of files can be adjusted by Preferences.
Page: Recent View Files
The most recent read and saved views can be accessed from this menu. The number of recent view files in this menu can be configured in the Interface preferences.
Page: Redraw
Menu: View->Redraw Mouse menu: Redraw Toolbar: worddav6b85faa5c2e91788fe0fdb22156550de.png This command redraws the geometry, mesh or results visualized of the model (depending on the visualization and rendering mode, see Mode) in the graphical window.
Page: Reference axes (only Postprocessing)
Menu: View->Reference axes Allows the user to draw a reference frame for the model, being able to: display the x, y, z axis, and change their colors display a reference grid for each of the xy, yz, xz planes define the number of subdivisions for the grid
Page: Register from file
Menu: Help->Register from file This option is used to register GiD and all problem types stored in a *.pwd file. This option is interesting in order to register several modules and GiD in a single step. The contents of a .pwd multiple passwords file is si
Page: Register GiD
Menu: Help→Register... In order to take advantage on the full capabilities of GiD, you need to register a password that can be obtained from http://www.gidsimulation.com http://www.gidsimulation.com. From this site you can obtain a permanent or temporary
Page: Register Problem type
Menu: Help->Register Problem type... Some problem types may need a password to take advantage of the full capabilities. The layout of the Register Problem type window is shown below: image2022-5-26_19-5-16.png If a problem type has been registered previou
Page: Render
Menu: View->Render Mouse menu: Render Status toolbar: worddav508e2844ec7084106ede425706afe18c.png Using this option changes the way the model is viewed. There are three standard GiD render modes: Normal: This is the usual way of viewing the image. You can
Page: Renumber (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities→Renumber When creating new entities, the label of the new entity will be the lowest number greater than 0 that still does not exist for this entity type. If an entity is deleted, a gap is left in the labels list. This gap will be filled wi
Page: Repair model (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Repair model This option checks the coherence of the database information. Only use it if there are problems. When used, a window notifies you of any repaired items and may give some warnings about incorrect entities.
Page: Report
Menu: Utilities->Tools→Report... worddav9574419ed035dc8bc97e1a7f9df38935.png This option creates a report in html format to which figures, comments, titles, etc. can be added. This report can be saved to a file and then reloaded in another GiD session whe
Page: Reset mesh data
Menu: Mesh->Reset mesh data This command resets all the meshing properties assigned to entities. These are: Structured type (unstructured, structured, semi-structured or cartesian) Boundary layer mesh properties Element type Mesh sizes (both structured an
Page: Result surface
Menu: View results->Result surface Toolbar: worddavb2a7ab609292c7f603ece0391e754a7e.png This option uses a result component, or a scalar value, and draws a 3D surface above the mesh following the normals of this mesh. It can be seen as an extrusion of the
Page: Result surface 
image2022-5-26_19-55-36.png General options Draw contour fill: Switches On or Off the contour fill representation of the result used to create the 3D surface. Show elevations: Choose how the elevations (lines or faces that connect the result surface with
Page: Results ranges table
Menu: Window->Results ranges table... Creates ranges, with names, for the results, so that they can be displayed with the contour ranges options, which draws a c.fill with the defined ranges and displays the text in the legend. worddav8d24b75cd75dc40bf974
Page: Results' cache
Page: Rhinoceros
Menu: Files->Import→Rhinoceros... With this option it is possible to read Rhinoceros 5.0 CAD files. This files have the .3dm extension.
Page: Rhinoceros 
Menu: Files->Export→Rhinoceros... With this option it is possible to write Rhinoceros 5.0 CAD files. This files have the .3dm extension.
Page: Right buttons
worddav5e7cf1d1f34e7c2e2a5e5a730d6d22d8.png Using the Toolbars position window it is possible to enable the Right buttons menu. Only advanced users should use these buttons. The right buttons menu displays the actual GiD commands that can be entered manua
Page: Rotate
Menu: View->Rotate Mouse menu: Rotate Toolbar: worddavc83adc398f84aff975b55d07bf8945de.png There are various ways to rotate the image in order to view it from different angles. This does not affect the geometry. Note: Instead of picking twice to begin and


Page: Save (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Files->Save... Toolbar: worddavd23707a82afe5c6cc3925795dad0f61a.png Using the Save command saves all the information relating to a project - geometry, conditions, materials, mesh, etc. - to the disk. When a project is saved, GiD creates a directory
Page: Save as...
Menu: Files->Save as... Preprocessing: With this command, GiD allows you to save all the current project with another name. When it is selected, an auxiliary window appears with all the existing projects and directories to facilitate the introduction of t
Page: Scale result view (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Scale result Use logarithmic scale, multiplier factor and added factor.
Page: Screen axes
This option allows a dynamic rotation about the screen axes. Screen axes are defined as: X-axis: The horizontal axis. Y-axis: The vertical axis. Z-axis: The axis at a right angle to the screen. When entering this command, Z-axis is set by default and movi
Page: Selecting an existing point
Mouse menu: Contextual->Join Ctrl-a When using a function that asks for a point, e.g. line creation, GiD will expect you either to enter a new point (the cursor is a cross) or select an existing one (the cursor is a box). To change from the first mode to
Page: Selection window (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Selection window... Mouse menu: Contextual->Selection window For those functions where some entities are to be selected (creation of a surface or a volume, copying entities, etc.), it is possible to use the Selection window. The se
Page: Semi-structured
Menu: Mesh→Semi-structured->Volumes A semi-structured mesh can be assigned to a volume, which has to be topologically prismatic. That is: there can be recognized two top surfaces, and a set of lateral four-sided surfaces connecting them. This kind of mesh
Page: Separate connected components
Menu: Geometry->Separate connected components Separates connected components from shown volume and surface meshes. For each mesh detects groups of connected elements and stores them in separate sets. For instance a single volume mesh which corresponds to
Page: Separated volume
Menu: Geometry->Create→Separated volume One feature of GiD is the option to create 'contact separated volumes' for surfaces that are not physically in contact. For these separated volumes, GiD internally checks whether a unique solid-rigid movement exists
Page: Set contour limits (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Set contour limits Define limits: When choosing this option the Contour Limits window appears (this option is also available in the Postprocess toolbar). With this window you can set the minimum/maximum value that Contour Fill should use.
Page: Settings
GENERIC SETTINGS plugins folder It is possible to extend GiD with new features implemented in Tcl scripting language, by adding this .tcl files to the folder \plugins of GiD All Tcl files inside this folder will be automatically sourced when starting GiD
Page: Several results
Menu: Window->Several results... With this window user can select whether to view the results one by one, as usual, or to view some results visualization types at once, e.g. a contour fill of pressure and velocity vectors at the same time. From this windo
Page: Shapefile
Menu: Files->Import→Shapefile... With this option it is possible to read a GIS file written in ESRI Shapefile format (version 1000). Shapefiles have the .shp extension. The auxiliary associated file .dbf contain a table of extra attached data, in DBase fo
Page: Shapefile 
Menu: Files->Export->Shapefile... With this option it is possible to write mesh (points or surface elements) and its results as a GIS file, written in ESRI Shapefile format (with .shp extension) and a .dfb file for the results Note only is possible to wri
Page: Show errors
Menu: Mesh->Show errors... This option opens the mesh errors window, which is automatically opened just after the meshing process, if some entity could not be meshed. This window presents a list of the entities that GiD could not mesh, and some informatio
Page: Show min max
Menu: View results->Show min max Show min/max Show minimum Show maximum Show both With this option you can see the minimum and maximum of the chosen result. Show mix max is supported for results defined over nodes or gauss points. Note: This minimum and m
Page: Show process commands
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Show process commands This is a checkbox option that allow set on the output of processed commands to the common messages window. (when on a check mark appear on the left) The option is only interesting for scripting developers, th
Page: Show process commands view
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Show process commands view This is a checkbox option similar to "Show process commands", but also commands related to the view, like rotation, pan, redraw, etc. are shown
Page: Signal
Menu: Utilities→Signal With this option you can select a coordinate or an entity and a pair of crossed red lines will signal it in the graphical window. Signal coordinate expects x,y,z (z assumed 0 if it is omitted) Signal entities expects the entity inte
Page: Simplified view
Preferences Window: Graphical→Simplified view image2022-5-26_19-38-29.png
Page: Simplify NURBS
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Simplify NURBS This option converts the selected NURBS lines or surfaces to other ones very similar to the originals but with a less complicated definition. It can be useful when importing data where a control polygon is too complex
Page: Sizes
Menu: Mesh->Draw→Sizes When sizes are assigned to points, lines, surfaces or volumes using the Assign Unstruct sizes option, it is possible to draw the different assigned sizes in different colors. EXAMPLE Following example shows some different sizes assi
Page: Skip
The Skip option forces GiD to skip a geometrical entity when meshing (so the entity will not have mesh), while the No Skip option forces GiD not to skip the geometrical entity (so the entity will have mesh) when the 'Skip entities automatically' option is
Page: Skip entities
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Skip entities With this option you can see which lines and points will be skipped when meshing using the meshing preferences set at that moment (see Preferences), and the lines and points set as Skip or NoSkip mesh criteria (see Skip).
Page: Smooth elements
Menu: Mesh->Edit mesh->Smooth elements To smooth elements, select them in the usual way (see Entity selection), and then press escape (see Escape) to perform the action. Currently only triangles, tetrahedra and hexahedra can be smoothed. In the case of te
Page: Snap to plane
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Snap to plane This tool modify a little the location of noisy entities, to set an exact 'snap value'. e.g. to set exactly to z=0.0 the location of entities close to 0.0 (e.g. 1e-6) must set: snap value to 0.0 (default) snap axis to Z
Page: Sphere circle
This set of preferences controls the parameters for generating circles or spheres meshes. Depending on the installed plugins it is possible to have more than one sphere mesher, then a 'Selected mesher' option will appear in order to set the current sphere
Page: Spherical coordinates
Spherical coordinates can be entered as r<anglexy<anglez Anglez may be omitted and angles are defined in degrees. Spherical coordinates can be applied to global and local coordinate systems. The following are valid examples of the same point definitions:
Page: Split elements
eMenu: Mesh->Edit mesh->Split elements To split elements, select them in the usual way (see Entity selection), and then press escape (see Escape) to perform the action. Triangles can be split into triangles, quadrilaterals into two or four triangles, tetr
Menu: Files->Import->STAR-CD... With this option it is possible to read STAR-CD mesh files This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl plugin, with limited features. accepted mesh files .vrt -> vertex file, converted into preprocess mesh nodes .bnd -> boun
Page: Status
Menu: Utilities→Status... Status toolbar: worddavc8d609c219086227745c12244821ffa8.png image2022-5-26_20-10-59.png The Status option gives useful information about general project data. The folder icon opens the file explorer on the location of the project
Page: Status and Information
The Status & Information bar located at lower part of GiD's Window, provides basic information at a quick glance. worddavdffebe1b2bdf75395de9ac9ecd99c3cb.png From left to right you can find: Zoom factor Current number of nodes and elements (Click to acces
Page: STEP
Menu: Files->Import→STEP... With this option it is possible to read a CAD file in STEP standard format (AP214 Automotive Application protocol)
Page: STEP 
Menu: Files->Export→STEP... With this option it is possible to export the GiD geometry to a CAD file in STEP standard format (AP214 Automotive Application protocol)
Page: STL mesh
Menu: Files->Import->STL mesh... With this option it is possible to read a mesh in STL format. The STL binary format is also supported. The variable ImportTolerance (see Preferences) controls the creation of new points when the file is read.
Page: Straight line
Menu: Geometry->Create->Straight line Toolbar: worddavb72e04c03d09e3ab6e62aca4fce274ec.png To create a straight line, start by entering just two points (see Point definition), and then continue entering points in order to create more lines from the first
Page: Stream lines
Menu: Vies results->Stream lines Toolbar: worddavddfb6ff43c90720e9c959eec0305935b.png With this option you can display a stream line, or in fluid dynamics, a particle tracing, in a vector field. After choosing a vector result, using the default analysis a
Page: Stream lines 
Menu: Files->Import->Stream lines... Stream lines which where exported with the Files->Export->Post information->Stream lines can be incorporated to the model used to create them, as if they were created by the user in the same session.
Page: Stream lines  
image2024-5-14_16-34-22.png General options Color Mode: Allows the user to define the colors used to paint the stream lines: Monochrome: All the stream lines are drawn with the same color, which can be adjusted with 'Change color'. Color: Allows the defin
Page: Stream lines   
Menu: View results->Delete->Stream lines Select: This option lets you select the stream lines to be deleted. All: This options delete all stream lines of the model.
Page: Structuration type
image2024-5-14_15-20-25.png Unstructured options refer to the parameters controlling the behavior of the unstructured meshes. Unstructured mesher GiD can use three kinds of surface mesher, all of them based on advancing front technique. - Rfast mesher gen
Page: Structured
Menu: Mesh→Structured A structured mesh is defined as a mesh where the inner nodes have the same number of elements around them. Another possible interpretation of a structured mesh is that it follows a given topological pattern that is reproduced in all
Page: Structured type
Menu: Mesh->Draw->Structured type With this option you can see what kind of mesh will be generated for geometrical entities, i.e. Unstructured, Structured or Semi-structured. If no level of structure has been assigned, it is shown as Default (see Mesh Men
Page: Surface
Menu: Geometry->Create->Contact surface Contact surfaces are defined as being between two lines that are physically in the same place, but which have different line and point entities. From a contact surface, it is possible to generate contact elements, t
Page: Surface boolean operations
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Surface boolean op. You need to select two 2D surfaces located in the XY plane (order is important when dealing with subtraction). The valid surface boolean operations are: Union: Fuses two surfaces wherever they intersect to create
Page: Surface mesh
Menu: Files->Import->Surface mesh... With this option a mesh can be read from a file in GiD or STL format. Elements of this mesh must be triangles or quadrilaterals. This mesh is converted by GiD into a set of surfaces, points and lines. The geometric def
Page: Surface mesh 
Menu: Geometry->Create->Surface mesh With this option a Surface mesh can be created by selecting triangular or quadrilateral mesh elements (see Surface mesh).
Page: Surface parameter
Mouse menu: Contextual->Surface parameter Using this option, you can left-click on a parametric surface in the graphical window and enter the surface parameter u and values, from 0,0 to 1.0, and a point will be created on the surface at these parameter v
Page: SurfMesh
Menu: Geometry->Edit->SurfMesh Select one or several surface meshes (see Surface mesh). The options are: Draw mesh: Surface will be drawn as a mesh. No draw mesh: Surface will be drawn as a regular surface with magenta lines close to the boundary lines.
Page: Swap arc
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Swap arc This command lets you select and alter arcs. Lines that are not arcs are rejected. When you confirm the operation, the arc is converted to a new arc with the same center and in the same plane but opposite the old one. The ol
Page: Swap normals (only Preprocessing)
Menu: Utilities->Swap normals This command can be applied to lines or surfaces (in geometry mode) or to elements (in mesh mode). A selection is made (see Entity selection) and the orientation of the selected entities is inverted. Viewing commands (zoom, r
Page: Swap orientation of visible surface meshes
Menu: Geometry->Swap orientation of visible surface meshes With this options the orientation of the visualized surface elements, triangles and quadrilaterals, are changed so that the normal orientation is changed too. This option is useful in combination
Page: System
image2024-5-14_15-9-17.png OpenGL options The graphical engine of GiD uses the OpenGL library Visualization mode: - Fast visualization mode: GiD will use the hardware acceleration provided by the driver to accelerate the visualization of the models. If so


Page: Tangent in line
Mouse menu: Contextual->Tangent in line Using this option, you can pick over a line in the graphical window. A vector will be returned that is the tangent to the line at the point you have picked.
Menu: Files->Import->TECPLOT... Reads TECPLOT 9.0 ASCII files.
Page: Text data report
Menu: Files->Export->Text data report... With this option a file is written containing all the information within the project. It is created in a way that is easily understood when read with an editor. This is useful for checking the information. Note: Th
Page: Texture (only Postprocessing)
Menu: Utilities→Texture In GiD it is also possible to assign a texture to a Set. Inside the Utilities -> Texture menu there are several options: View No / Fast / Nice: switches between viewing the textures over the sets or not. When the texture is small a
Page: Toolbars
The Standard bar has common options for both pre- and post-processing components, including: open, take a snapshot, print, preferences, help, exit and others. image2024-5-15_8-28-1.png image2024-5-15_8-29-57.png The different icons represent, from left to
Page: Toolbars 
Menu: Utilities->Tools->Toolbars... In this menu you can replace, show or hide GiD toolbars. They can be embedded in the main window or as a stand-alone window. When you select this option, the following dialog appears: worddavb6247352f0c6c1d58658adf08394
Page: Tools
Menu: Utilities->Tools This menu includes some tools and options to change the appearance of windows or different aspects of GiD.
Page: Top menu
The Top Menu offers various types of commands. It is important to note that these options will differ depending on the whether the user is performing a preprocessing or postprocessing analysis, and that the options needed in each case differ as well. Two
Page: Topography
Menu: Files->Import→Topography... This tool allow to get the topography of a region obtained from Internet. worddavfdcd0bef588cdc5df38cfb8b91fcceda.png image2024-5-14_15-46-55.png Find: allow to write a place name, like Barcelona, and then its latitude
Page: Trackball
With this option you can rotate the image as if using a trackball device. This means that when you left-click on a point and move the mouse, the geometric point tries to follow the mouse pointer. This can be imagined as a ball over the graphical window wh
Page: Transform problem type
Menu: Data->Problem type→Transform... This option can be found inside the Problem Type menu and is useful for updating a model from an old problem type to a newer one that is similar to the first. When converting, it tries to maintain all the conditions a
Page: Triangles-grid quadrilaterals
To create a grid of quadrilaterals from a cloud of 3D triangles. The user will be asked for the cell size. The z of the grid will be get from the triangle where the grid corner is projected (in 2D), or from a close node. If the checkbox "Far points set no
Page: Tutorials
Menu: Help→Tutorials This option gives access to some tutorials which help the user to start learning GiD from a practical point of view. It cover topics to progressive learn how to create and modify a geometry, to generate a calculation mesh, to visualiz


Page: Unassign condition
When using the UnAssign window, you can choose between several possibilities: Unassign one condition from some selected entities. Unassign one condition from all the entities that may have this assigned. Unassign all conditions of a book from all the enti
Page: Unassign material
When using the UnAssign window, you are presented with several possibilities: Unassign one material from some selected entities. Unassign one material from all the entities that may have this assigned. Unassign all materials from all the entities that may
Page: Uncollapse
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Uncollapse The Uncollapse function lets you select lines, surfaces or volumes and duplicate all common lower entities. Typically, if two surfaces share one line as an edge, after applying this function to both surfaces, that line and
Page: Undo/Redo (only Preprocessing)
Menu:Utilities->Undo Do the undo of the last command done Menu:Utilities->Redo Revert the last undo, if any Menu: Utilities->Undo multiple... With this command you can undo multiple last commands in a window. To do this, select from the list of operations
Page: Unload
Menu: Data->Problem type→Unload This option unloads from memory the problem type currently in use. Sometimes it is easier to work with a model that does not have an associated problem type. It is also useful for sending a model to another user who does no
Page: Unstructured
Menu: Mesh→Unstructured Note: Size is given by the average side length (edge) of the corresponding mesh element. In this menu user can set the mesh sizes to be used by the unstructured mesher. Assign sizes on points, lines, surfaces or volumes: It is poss
Page: Unstructured mesher
This option allows to draw over each entity which unstructured meshing method is assigned. worddav8c608340a151f78f45f4603489bbb306.png
Page: UNV
Menu: Files->Import→UNV... With this option it is possible to read I-DEAS UNV format, usually with extension .unv or .uff. This importer is implemented as a pure Tcl plugin, with limited features (only some UNV entities are supported) It converts the UNV
Page: User Basics
The following features are essential to the effective use of the GiD system. They are, therefore, described apart from the preprocessing facilities section.
Page: User Interface
The user interface allows you to interact with the program. It is composed of buttons, windows, icons, menus, text entries and the graphical output of certain information. You can configure the interface to display things in a certain way, and may use as
Page: Using template .bas (only mesh)
Menu: Files->Export->Using template .bas (only mesh) This command does the same thing as Export -> Calculation file (see Calculation file), but it uses a .bas file provided by the user, instead of using the template file of the current problem type. This
Page: Utilities Menu
Within Utilities you can find commands that apply to the geometry and/or the mesh, as well as other functions that apply to the whole project.


Page: VDA
Menu: Files->Import→VDA... With this option it is possible to read a file in VDA 2.0 format. A very important parameter to consider is how the points must be joined. This means that points that are close to each other must be converted to a single point.
Page: Vector GDAL
Menu: Files→Import→Vector GDAL... With this option it is possible to read some kind of vector image formats, and convert them to surfaces. The typical use is to convert topographic related files. This importer is implemented as a Tcl plugin, using the GDA
Page: Vectors
image2022-5-26_19-50-6.png General options Draw interior vectors: This option lets you choose if all vectors should be drawn or draw only the ones placed on model lines. Color Mode: This option lets you choose if vectors are drawn in one color (Mono Color
Page: View
Views can be read and saved from this menu. This option is useful to compare views between different models or projects, or to create an animation piecewise, save the views between GiD sessions, and join the pieces afterwards into a single video file. The
Page: View graphs
Menu: Window->View graphs... Toolbar: worddavc7b76b922d6d090fd29025650f4a616f.png All the operations related with graphs can be done through this window. The window is divided in a top bar and three tabs. The top bar allows users to change between the cre
Page: View Menu
Visualization commands change the way information is displayed in the graphical window. They have no effect on the definition of the geometry or any other data. Generally, they can be used within any other command without leaving it. When the visualizatio
Page: View mesh boundary
Menu: Mesh->View mesh boundary This option draws the boundaries of the mesh on the screen. The resulting mesh is not stored, it is just for visualization purposes. Boundaries for triangular or quadrilateral meshes are line elements. Boundaries for tetrahe
Page: View process info
Menu: Calculate->Viewprocess info... Select a process that is currently running and click this option to open a window that shows information relating to the process, such as iterations, convergence, etc. Clicking Close will close the window, but will not
Page: View results
Menu: Window->View results... Toolbar: worddavff150f8c2a4a63e8617eab1f64f89a7e.png image2021-6-18_12-12-12.png The View Results window manages the visualization of the following type of results: Contour fill Smooth contour fill ( of gaussian results globa
Page: View results menu
The kinds of results that will be displayed on screen can be grouped into five major categories: Scalar view results: Show Minimum & Maximum, Contour Fill, Contour Text Ranges, Contour Lines, Iso Surface, Result surface, Line thickness and their configura
Page: View style
Menu: Window->View style... Toolbar: worddave7244d8dbdb9cdd308a87d57ac2f6d7f.png Below in an example of the View Style window, where almost all the interesting visualization options can be adjusted. It only deals with meshes, sets or cuts, and not with re
Page: Visible surfaces to PLY
Menu: Files->Export->Visible surfaces to PLY... Exports the displayed triangular and quadrilateral surfaces in ascii or binary PLY format with this window: Only the displayed meshes are written in the PLY file. If the displayed meshes are deformed, then t
Page: Visible surfaces to STL
Menu: Files->Export->Visible surfaces to STL... Exports the displayed triangular and quadrilateral surfaces in ascii or binary STL format with this window: Only the displayed meshes are written in the STL file. If the displayed meshes are deformed, then t
Page: Visit GiD downloads
Menu: Help->Visit GiD downloads This command open an Internet browser that takes you to the GiD downloads homepage, to obtain GiD installers and other related tools like gidpost library, passerver, ramtranslator, etc. (downloads.gidsimulation.com http://
Page: Visit GiD forum
Menu: Help->Visit GiD forum This command open an Internet browser that takes you to the GiD forum homepage, to share questions and answers with all users community (forum.gidsimulation.com http://forum.gidsimulation.com).
Page: Visit GiD web
Menu: Help->Visit GiD web This command open an Internet browser that takes you to the GiD homepage (www.gidsimulation.com http://www.gidsimulation.com).
Page: Volume
Menu: Geometry->Create->Volume Toolbar: worddav59865ce7e7c382bc666cdb58cc918379.png A volume is an entity formed by a closed set of surfaces that share the lines between them. To create a volume, some surfaces must be selected (see Entity selection) using
Page: Volume boolean operations
Menu: Geometry->Edit->Volume boolean op. The GiD Volume Boolean Modeler has been designed to accomplish geometric feats such as physically punching a hole through a volume, combining several volumes into one, and creating a new volume from the intersectin
Page: Volume render
Menu: View results→Volume render Do a special render visualization of volume sets.
Page: Volume 
Menu: Geometry->Create->Contact volume Contact volumes are defined between two surfaces that are physically in the same place but with different surfaces, lines and points. From a contact volume, it is possible to generate contact elements, to be used by
Page: VRML mesh
Menu: Files->Import->VRML mesh... With this option it is possible to read a mesh in VRML 2.0 format. The compressed gzip format is also supported.
Page: Vtk
Menu: Files->Import->Vtk... With this option it is possible to read VTK files, with .vtk extension. This importer/exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin, based on the VTK package (Visualization Toolkit library). The file information is converted into pos
Page: Vtk (mesh)
Menu: Files->Export->Vtk... With this option it is possible to write Vtk files, in xml format (with .vtu or .vtp extension), with ASCII, binary and compressed options This exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin, based on the Vtk package library. In Prepr
Page: Vtk (pre)
Menu: Files->Import->Vtk... With this option it is possible to read VTK files, with .vtk extension. This importer/exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin, based on the VTK package (Visualization Toolkit library). The file information is converted into pre
Page: Vtk 
Menu: Files->Export→Vtk... With this option it is possible to write Vtk files, in xml format (with .vtu or .vtp extension), with ASCII, binary and compressed options This exporter is implemented as a Tcl plugin, based on the Vtk package library. Postproce


Page: What is new
Menu: Help->What is new This option gives access to a list of the new developments present between versions of GiD.
Page: What's GiD
GiD is an interactive graphical user interface used for the definition, preparation and visualization of all the data related to a numerical simulation. This data includes the definition of the geometry, materials, conditions, solution information and oth
Page: Window menu
Menu: Window From this menu you can open the main windows.


Page: XYZ nodes
Menu: Files->Import->XYZ nodes... With this option it is possible to read a set of mesh nodes. This format is ASCII and consists in the coordinates of the nodes separated by spaces. Note: If only 2 coordinates are specified, z=0 is assumed. Extra options:
Page: XYZ nodes 
Menu: Files->Import->XYZ nodes... Reads a set of points from an text file. It reads also compressed text files. Several options can be adjusted in the import file dialog box: By default, lines with three real numbers separated by spaces are imported. imag
Page: XYZ points
Menu: Files->Import->XYZ points... With this option it is possible to read a set of geometric points. This format is ASCII and consists the coordinates of the points separated with spaces or comma. Note: If only 2 coordinates are specified, z=0 is assumed



Page: Zoom
Menu: View->Zoom Mouse menu: Zoom Toolbar: worddavf17034ed5644551db185b37730191c3d.png Zoom is used to change how large or small objects appear in the window. Zoom in: Pick inside the graphical window. A dynamic box is opened. Pick again and the visualiza
