Global collapse of the model
GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Global collapse of the model
- After generating the mesh, select View->Higher entities->Edges.
- Visualization of higher entities of edges shows that in the interior of the piece some surfaces are isolated.
- Press ESC to finish higher entities visualization.
- To generate a conformal mesh, first execute a global collapse of the model.
- The GiD collapse depends upon the Import tolerance. Two entities are collapsed (converted into one) when they are separated by a distance less than the Import tolerance parameter. To test this, enter a new value for the Import tolerance parameter.
- Go to Utilities->Preferences, and select Import and Export branch. Set the Import tolerance to User define value and enter 0.15 for the Value of import tolerance. Click Apply.
- Select Geometry->Edit->Collapse->Model.
- A dialog window appears to confirm the selection. Click Ok.
- Select Mesh->Generate mesh. Erase the old mesh and use the default element size.
- Visualize the results with View->Higher entities->Edges.
Some of the contiguous surfaces in the interior of the model have now being joined. However, there are still some surfaces that prevent the mesh from being completely conformal. These surfaces must be modified manually.
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