GiD - The personal pre and post processor
In this appendix, the example on how to implement a problemtypes with the classic problem-type system is presented. This system of connecting a calculation module to GiD is still supported, but it is deprecated.
The 'classic' problem-type is located in problemtypes/Examples/cmas2d.gid
A 'classic'-like problemtype is composed by these files:
.prb: configuration of the general parameter (not associated to entities)
.mat: configuration of materials and their properties
.cnd: configuration of the conditions imposed on the calculation
.bas: (template file) the file for configuring the format of the interchange file that mediates between GiD data and the calculating module. The file for interchanging the data exported by GiD has the extension .dat. This file stores the geometric and physical data of the problem.
.bat: the file that can be executed called from GiD. This file initiates the calculating module.
The calculating module (in this example cmas2d.exe) solves the equations in the problem and saves the results in the results file. This module may be programmed in the language of your choice, 'C' in used in this example.
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