GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 9.2.8b to 9.2.9b

What's new from version 9.2.8b to 9.2.9b 

Draw selected lines with a higher width in render mode.

Improvement in volume mesher based in advancing front
Improved surface structured meshes
Better treatment of meshing parameters to be used when meshing.
Fixed bug when meshing boundary layer mesh, and more than boundary layer affected the same volume.
Fixed some bugs in volume mesher based in isostuff method
Fixed bug when assigning Cartesian mesh to entities.
Fixed bug when meshing semi-structured volumes

Added shadow support. GiD uses the shadow mapping technique. By clicking View-->Advanced options... following window will appear:

Use shadow: enables or disables the shadows visualization.
shadow color: this option controls if the shadows should be black or shoule be drawn with and dimmable ambient light.
shadow bias: this advanced options allows the user to adjust the offset between the oclusor and the shadow. The default value is -0.002.
finer silhoutte: this advanced option allows the user to control the granularity of the shadow, i.e., the resolution of the texture to be used to create the shadow. By default, i.e. deactivated, the same graphical window is used to created the shadow texture. An accelerated OpenGL 2.0, or the framebuffer object extension is needed for this option to be used. If checked, the options are
medium: which uses a texture of 1024 x 1024 pixels to create the shadow map, using 4 MB of memory,
high: which uses a texture of 2048 x 2048 pixels to create the shadow map, using 16 MB of memory,
very high: which uses a texture of 4096 x 4096 pixels to create the shadow map, using 64 MB of memory,
highest: which uses a texture of 8192 x 8192 pixels to create the shadow map, using 256 MB of memory.
NOTE: requires OpenGL 1.5 upwards
NOTE: for the 'finer silhouette', OpenGL 2.0 or the framebuffer object extension is required.

Grid data showed with a new widget to easily copy/paste big data, and a XY plot can be drawn