
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


What's new 17.1.2d


  • Added option in Snapshot/animation save file dialog to save files in project.gid/gallery/ folder which is accessible from the Model Manager as Gallery:
  • Corrected preferences problem when changing graphical configuration from the preferences windows.
  • IGEs and STEP import improvements.


  • RESQML™ mesh import (standard format from ENERGISTICS™ used for earth description for oil and gas uses)

  • Mesh rendering of quadrilaterals or hexahedra faces with VA / VBO drawing methods ( more that 100 elements): now they are drawn as 4 triangles instead of OpenGL's default 2 triangles for NVidia cards or MS generic driver. On some deformed hexahedra, drawing quads as 2 triangles showed some visualization errors. Now they gone.
    - Image showing render problems with deformed elements (older version) vs image with quads drawn as 4 triangles (new version), in which visualization artefacts disappear:

  • Corrected small error with for line mesh 'chordal error smoothing' on circumferences, and on mesh subdivisions.
  • Corrected error when reading partially defined gauss points results in hdf5 format.


  • RESQML™ mesh import and also properties as results
  • corrected error in polygonal cut when sometimes, a single cut is split into two unconnected pieces when it should be only one.
  • corrected drawing problem when selecting border graph on AMD graphic cards.
  • corrected error when drawing several contour fill ( with 'Several results' on ) defined on gauss points and when read from hdf5 post-process file.


  • classic problemtype predefined TKWIDGET: GidUtils::TkwidgetButton {-command {W "hello world"} -text "Press me"
  • improved performance on customlib.