OS versions supported by GiD

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

OS versions supported by GiD

What OS versions does GiD support?

Currently the released versions run on:

  • MS Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP). 32 and 64 bits.
    • windows arm64 : through emulation it is able to run GiD x64 executable. Image shows GiD x64 running on Raspberry Pi with Windows 11 Home.
  • Linux (several kernels, 64 bits):
  • Apple's macOS / Mac OS X 64 bits from 10.15 (Catalina) to 12.7 (Monterey).
    Note: It should be compatible on any macOS 64-bit from 10.15 to the latest one ( version 13.4 Ventura), but we could not test GiD neiher on macOS 13.4 Ventura nor on macOS 14.0 Sonoma.
    Note: current version is Intel-oriented, i.e. does not have support for native Apple Silicon M1 or M2, but macOS is able to run Intel-x64 compiled software on Apple Silicon M1/M2 by means of Rosetta2 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_(software)#Rosetta_2 ), which sort of does a binary translation from intel-x64 code to Apple-M1 code (Rosetta2 is being included in macOS since version 11 BigSur).

Older supported OSes require also older GiD versions:

New OSes and platforms may be supported, according to user's requests.

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