GiD - The personal pre and post processor
How do Free licences work?
The free licences last 1 month.
You can get up to 3 free licences for each GiD version.
For local and USB licences, you can not request more than one licence per:
GiD version
Licence type
Machine name
For Named User you can get up to 3 per GiD version >=15
Named user free licences:
Are activated when you request them.
Last 30 days
You will not be able to change the owner or the assigned
Step by step
Register / Login
First of all, you need to access to the Licence Manager →
There you are required to Login. You can register for free if you do not have a GID account yet
Go to Free licences
Find the My free licences menú in the left →
There you can list the free licences that you have already requested, and request for a new one
Request a new Free 1 month licence
Click on the blue link above the table to request a new free 1 month licence →
There, just fill the form with your data. Make sure you get the Sysinfo and machine name from GiD. Learn how to do it here → Where can I find the SYSINFO and Machinename
Result password
After filling the form and click on Submit, you will get the password to be used in GiD
Going back to My free licences, you can see the list, and clicking on Details, you will see the password
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