GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Contextual menu
Clicking the right-mouse button will appear a contextual menu with functions to be applied on the current selected cases
Run selection
Win run the selected cases
Run selection interactive (with window)
Will run a GiD case with window, also if the case properties set to be run without window, and don’t exit when the batch is finished.
It is commonly used to detect problems when creating a new case and something fail, to see error messages, like the file to be read do not exists, …
Additional option in Linux: Run diagnostics & Open Diagnostics
Run diagnostics with Debug | Release | Valgrind … | Sanitize
Will run the selected case using gid.exe compiled in Debug, Release, Sanitize mode or inside Valgrind with xml or text output. Use Open diagnostics to view these report files.
Edit batch file selection
To open a simple editor that allow modify the batch of the selected case (and allow to be saved with other name to create a new case based on this)
Edit case
To modify the values that define a selected case (and allow set the current case window with its values, this facilitate duplicate a test, clicking after the create case an modifying some value to be adapted to the new case: typically the case and batch name and some checks
Delete selected cases
Deletes de multiple cases selected
Set field & tags selection
To set in the multiple selection the values of some field cases:
Fail accepted to Yes or No
Fail random to Yes or No
Platform require to one of the allowed platforms
Branch require to Developer, Official or Any
Tags to add, remove or replace tags that facilitate the classification of cases (apart of the 'path tag' that classify the cases as a tree):
Reset best statistics selection
To clear the best statistics of the selected cases, usual when defining a new case and something is wrong, like the batch content, and the case do really nothing and then run very fast and without spend memory, but is recorded as the best. This option allow clear this false result.
Select all
Select all cases as expected
Invert selection
Invert the selection of cases
Open outputfiles
If the case declare some output file it is opened to show its content
Graph cases along the time
It read the logs and show graphs along time of the tests, with memory and time consumption of if fail or not, to detect the moment when a change of the code modify its performance or robustness
It show just the points of the graph belonging to tested cases
Graphs joined along the time
Similar to the previous, but in this case is show a single graph of the multiple selection, interpolating and averaging values in order to have the same x-time.
Export project selection
It write to a new folder a new xml project with only the selected test cases, and also copy only the batch files of these cases, and the models related in the batch files (e.g. to run a range of cheaper tests in a Bitbucket pipeline)
Analize fail cause
Experimental option that require visual studio and a git repository configured to allow export from git a history of versions, compile and test automatically in order to try to find the git commit that is responsible of the error.
Analize if random
Experimental option that run the cases several times and if its results have some difference set the case as random (it the result must be deterministic a random result is considered as an error, very difficult to be found)
Copy case ids to clipboard
Copy the hash ids of the selected cases to the clipboard, to facilitate scripting test on the lower command line, or to send to other users the list of cases of interest
Help field
Show in a window the text of the ‘help’ fields of the selected cases (this help field is expected to be filled with an optional short explanation of why is this test created)
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