As python module

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

As python module

To build GiDPost as Python module you'll need:

  • python3

  • SWIG: (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) a tool used to connect C or C++ code with scripting languages like python. SWIG

To install the required packages in Linux just do the following as root:
Ubuntu (Debian and the like):

apt install python3 swig

Scientific Linux (Redhat and the like):

yum install python3.x86_64 swig.x86_64


How to build python module (Linux):

Once you have configured and built the GiDPost library as described Compiling the library and examples , then:

$ cd .../gidpost/gidpost-swig/ $ make $ make test

Examples of use:

  • gidpost_test.py - example of writing ascii / hdf5 gid post file with the basic API.

  • gidpost_test_array.py - example of writing ascii / hdf5 gid post file using the Write*Block API.

Not all gidpost library functions are exposed

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