GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Register GiD

Menu: Help→Register...

In order to take advantage on the full capabilities of GiD, you need to register a password that can be obtained from From this site you can obtain a permanent or temporary password.

After registering either a permanent or temporary password you will be able to generate and postprocess an unlimited number of nodes and elements.

There are different types of licences:

  • Local: password attached to the local machine
  • USB: password attached to a portable USB memory stick
  • Floating: floating password obtained from a server with passerverd installed
  • Named user: login password, attached to an username and password


The password must be typed in the window shown below.

If you have previously registered your current copy of GiD, the password can be reloaded by clicking the icon and selecting the folder where the old password is.


If there are more that one USB memory stick plugged then GiD will show a window with the list to allow the selection of this device (portable licence)
A window similar to the local one will be then opened, showing the name and sysinfo of the usb device, and expecting its password.

The operating system doesn't matter, it is possible to use the memory stick in all platforms


In case of floating licences instead of enter a password must enter the 'IP' address of the 'passerverd' password server.

To get a floating password previously passerverd must be installed in a server machine accessible from the client machine, and the server must have floating password attached to the server machine.

Named user:

It require an user login in our web with e-mail and a password

To Sign-in the user must be previously registered (and to become professional session must have an active licence)