GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Menu: Geometry->Convert
- Cuts to sets (creates all results): With this options cuts can be converted to surface sets so they can be saved, or cut again.
- Iso surfaces (all) to cuts (interpolates results on demand): With this options all the isosurfaces will be turned into surface cuts.
- Iso surfaces (visible) to cuts (interpolates results on demand): With this options only the isosurfaces drawn will be turned into surface cuts.
- Iso surfaces to sets (creates all results): With this options all the isosurfaces drawn will be turned into surface sets.
Note: Creating sets cases all results of all steps of all analyses are interpolated for the newly created sets. Depending on the size of the read model, this may take a lot of memory, so use this with caution.
Creating cuts interpolates results on demand, this could save some memory.