Iso surfaces

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Iso surfaces

Menu: View results->Iso surfaces

Here a surface is drawn that ties a fixed value inside a volume mesh; for surface meshes a line is drawn. To create iso-surfaces there are several options:

  • Exact: After choosing a result or a result component of the current analysis and step, you can input several fixed values and then for each given value an iso-surface is drawn.
  • Automatic: Similarly, after choosing a result or a result component, you are asked for the number of iso-surfaces to be created. GiD calculates the values between the Minimum and the Maximum (these are not included).
  • Automatic Width: After choosing a result or result component, you are asked for a width. This width is used to create as many iso-surfaces as are needed between the Minimum and Maximum defined values (these are included).

Iso lines are created for triangles and quadrilaterals when the iso-surface visualization is selected. Their visualization can be enabled or disabled with Options --> Iso-surfaces --> Show isolines
Iso surfaces are supported for results defined over nodes or gauss points.
If the gauss points results can be globally smoothed, then a Smoothed sub-menu will be added with a list of the gaussian results, see View results menu

These isolines can be switched on and off with the command Results --> IsoSurfaces --> ShowIsolines on the right buttons menu .

Go to Preferences --> Postprocess --> Iso surfaces to set and manage iso-surface options, like the colors used, style which with the iso-surfaces are drawn, etc. Iso surfaces

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