GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Menu: View results->Graphs
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From this menu several graphs types can be created and deleted. Graphs are supported for results defined over nodes.
Check also the view graph window where graphs can be created, customized and deleted (see View graphs)
Graphs are organized into graph sets in order to ease the management. Each set shares the same units for each axis.
When a graph is created is placed in the current graphset if the units are the same, otherwise a new graphset is created. To change the current graph set please use the graphs window
Several graph types are available:
- Clear: delete all the created graphs.
- Point evolution: displays a graph of the evolution of the selected result along all the steps, of the default analysis, for the selected nodes.
- Point graph: displays a graph of one result against another of the selected results. The option 'all steps' shows the evolution along all steps inside the default analysis, of this result vs. results graph.
- Border graph: displays a graph of the results on the selected border, using the x, y, z or line distance as abscissa.
- Line graph: also called 'section graph' displays a graph defined by the line connecting two selected nodes of surfaces or volumes, or any arbitrary points on any projectable surface and in any position.
- Integrate: graph of an integrated result over a mesh.
- Point complex evolution: similar to 'Point Evolution' but for complex results, where both real and imaginary part of the result are displayed as 'x' and 'y' in the graph.
User can also save or read a graph (see Files Menu).
Menu: Options→Graphs
All the following options are applied to the graphs placed in current graphset.
- Coordinate type: Changes the type of graph coordinates between cartesian and polar.
- Outline on model: Shows in the model where the line and border graphs are drawn.
- Grids: Tell GiD whether or not to draw grids.
- Current style: Choose what the new graphs should look like. The possible styles are: Dot, Line, and Dot-Line.
- Change style graph: Changes the style of the selected graph.
- Change color graph: Changes the color of the selected graph.
- Set contour fill color: Changes the color of the selected graph to the current contour fill result.
- Change line width: Changes the width of the graph lines.
- Change line pattern: Switch between different line patterns, useful with a b/w printer.
- Change pattern factor: Changes the factor of the chosen pattern.
- Change point size: Changes the point size for Dot and Dot-Line styles.
- Change title graph: Changes the title of the selected graph.
- View results table: Shows a table with the numerical results of the graph.
- Invert graph sense: Changes the orientation of the graph for the boundary and line graphs.
- Delete graph: Allows to delete single graph.
- dFT: Calculates the discrete Fourier transform. Uses the y values as real part and 0 as the imaginary part for the dft transformation. The graph created will use an index for the x axis and the real, imaginary or module of the dft result as the y axis.
- Inverse dFT: Calculates the inverse discrete Fourier transform. Uses the x values as real part, and the y values as imaginary part for the fft transformation. The graph created will use an index for the x axis and the real, imaginary or module of the dft result as the y axis. Also the graph created can have as x axis the real part and y axis as the imaginary part of the dft result.
- Title: Changes the title, changes its position, or resets its value.
- Reset axis values: Resets the fixed limits of the x and y axis.
- X Axis: Set min and max values and divisions for the X axis, reset them, and change the label, and number of divisions of the grid.
- Y Axis: Set min and max values and divisions for the Y axis, reset them, and change the label, and number of divisions of the grid.
- Clear graphs: Deletes all graphs.
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