Zmesher cartesian mesher

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Zmesher cartesian mesher

Current GiD has two cartesian algorithms available: 'Scan convert' and 'zmesher'.

Zmesher is able to generate 3D cartesian meshes of volumes, surfaces, lines and/or points. It is especially suitable for electromagnetic simulations of Finite Differences.

Zmesher has been implemented by a third part partner (University of Granada), and the first time that is used it will require an extra password.

Set mesher: Zmesher in the preferences window
and generate again the mesh, disabling the 'User defined' grid and with general size=2.0

If it is the first time that this mesher is used this window ask a password

The password could be freely obtained from the related web (and will be stored in scripts/TemporalVariables file, so it won't be required again to get it).

Enter the password and generate again the mesh. When the mesh is generated is show this information

Now the mesh will have also quadrilateral faces for the isolated surfaces

In fact, this mesher could create some 'degenerated' cells, to preserve topological connections. E.g. 1 line element is generated although there is not any isolated geometrical curve, and also 1 extra quadrilateral is generated from a volume.
If the 'Avoid degeneration' option is set, then these degenerated elements are automatically deleted.