GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Linux portable version in Ubuntu and how to create GiD desktop icon

  1. Download portable version and open location:


  2. Extract the files, for instance by right-cliking on the .tar.xz file and selecting the option ‘Extract Here’:

  3. After the extraction process, enter into the created directory and look for the script desktop_icons_install:


  4. After double-clicking, a window will appear, just select ‘Run’ or ‘Run in Terminal’:


  5. The script will create a shortcut in the Desktop but this shortcut is disabled :


  6. To enable this shortcut right-click on the icon and select the option ‘Allow Launching’:


  7. Now the launcher is enabled, the color of the icon changes:

    Now you can start GiD by double clicking this icon.

  8. Another way to launch GiD is to select the top-upper label ‘Activities’ and write GiD in the entry:


et voilà !