
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


It seems that the problemtype GiD-OpenFoam 1.2 version has problems, and when calculating with OpenFoam it is complaining about the calculation file exported with this problemtype.

An alternative is to use the GiD-Fluent 1.3 problemtype to write the mesh and regions for boundary conditions that can be converted to OpenFOAM format with its standar tools:

Instructions to prepare an OpenFOAM mesh with the Fluent problemtype available in GiD:

  1. Open GiD and load the Fluent problemtype (after that select dimensions: 3D).

  2. Create the geometry.

  3. Assign the boundary conditions.

  4. Mesh the model.

  5. Launch the calculation.

Once the calculation is launched, inside the *.gid folder of the model, a file model_name-Fluent.msh is generated.

The next steps are as follows:

  1. Paste the file model_name-Fluent.msh in a folder of an OpenFOAM problem (with the classic OpenFOAM folders: /constant and /system).

  2. Launch OpenFOAM on your computer.

  3. Navigate to the OpenFOAM model folder.

  4. Execute the command: fluent3DMeshToFoam model_name-Fluent.msh

This will generate the /polyMesh folder in the /constant folder


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