GiD - The personal pre and post processor
The creation of a Problem Type involves the creation of a directory located inside the \problemtypes GiD folder, with the name of the problem type and the extension .gid.
Note: now it is also possible to have a /problemtypes extra folder located at the <GiD user preferences folder>. This is interesting in case that the user doesn't has privileges to copy a problemtype inside <GiD folder>/problemtypes
Problemtypes that exists when GiD start will appear in its menu (see Problem type from Reference Manual).
The problemtype configuration files are a collection of files inside this subfolder. The name for most of them will follow the format where the extension refers to their particular function.
Considering problem_type_name to be the name of the problem type and project_name the name of the project, file configuration is described by the following diagram:
- Directory name: problem_type_name.gid
- Directory location: c:\a\b\c\GiD_directory\problemtypes
Configuration files
- problem_type_name.xml XML-based configuration
- problem_type_name.cnd Conditions definitions
- problem_type_name.mat Materials properties
- problem_type_name.prb Problem and intervals data
- problem_type_name.uni Units Systems
- problem_type_name.sim Conditions symbols
- ***.geo Symbols geometrical definitions
- ***.geo Symbols geometrical definitions ...
- Template files
- problem_type_name.bas Information for the data input file
- ***.bas Information for additional files
- ***.bas Information for additional files ...
- Tcl extension files
- problem_type_name.tcl Extensions to GiD written in the Tcl/Tk programming language
- Command execution files
- problem_type_name.bat Operating system shell that executes the analysis process
The files problem_type_name.sim, ***.geo and ***.bas are not mandatory and can be added to facilitate visualization (both kinds of file) or to prepare the data input for restart in additional files (just ***.bas files). In the same way problem_type_name.xml is not necessary; it can be used to customize features such as: version info, icon identification, password validation, etc.
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