GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Elements, materials and connectivities listing
Now we want to output the desired results to the output file. The first line should be a title or a label as this lets the solver know where a loop section begins and ends. The end of this block of instructions will be signalled by the line END_GEOMETRY.
The next two of lines give the user information about what types of commands follow.
Firstly, a title for the first subsection, ELEMENTAL CONNECTIVITIES:
followed by a header that preceeds the output list:
The next part of the code concerns the elements of the model with the inclusion of the *loop instruction, followed in this case by the elems argument.
*loop elems
For each element in the model, GiD will output: its element number, by the action of the *elemsnum command, the material assigned to this element, using the *elemsmat command, and the connectivities associated to the element, with the *elemsConec command:
*elemsnum *elemsmat *elemsConec
*end elems
You can use the swap parameter if you are working with quadratic elements and if the listing mode of the nodes is non-hierarchical (by default, corner nodes are listed first and mid nodes afterwards):
*elemsnum *elemsmat *elemsConec(swap)
*end elems
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