GiD - The personal pre and post processor
plugins folder
It is possible to extend GiD with new features implemented in Tcl scripting language, by adding this .tcl files to the folder \plugins of GiD
All Tcl files inside this folder will be automatically sourced when starting GiD (to be sourced the folder must match the tcl name and must be a .xml InfoPlugin declarations file)
Note: it is highly unrecommended to modify or add any script to the \scripts GiD folder, because this changes will be lost when installing new versions.
templates folder
All .bas files of this folder will be shown in the Files->Export->Using template .bas (only mesh) menu
This .bas templates are text files with a syntax explained in the Template File from Customization Manual section, used to export GiD data of mesh (and maybe other attached data).
dump.bas is an example template that writes in a simple way most of the GiD mesh and attached data information.
problemtypes folder
This folder must contain customizations of GiD to handle external third part solvers (see Customization Manual)
It is also possible have an extra \problemtypes folder inside the user settings directory of each GiD version
Each user and gid version has its own copy of some GiD settings (like preferences variables, window sizes and macros).
This information is saved in a file named 'gid.ini' that is stored in a different place depending on the platform
Windows 11,10,7, 8 / Windows Vista: C:\Users\<current user>\AppData\Roaming\GiD<version>\gid.ini
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<current user>\Application Data\GiD\<version>\gid.ini
Linux / Mac OS X: $(HOME)/.gid/<version>/gid.ini
And by default some Windows folders like "Application Data" are hidden. (and for Linux filenames starting by . like .gid are hidden)
This settings are automatically saved, and reloaded when starting.
Note: at scripting level the Tcl command GiD_GetUserSettingsFilename could be used to get the appropriated filename
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