Create new windows

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Create new windows

The GiD GUI is created with Tcl/Tk scripting, and developers can modify it with this language

Tcl is the pure scripting language, Tk is the GUI library that provide the widgets

Information about Tcl/Tk:

A copy of the html is installed locally with GiD at: <GiD>\ramdebugger\help\02TclTk

Can find all this information and more at https://www.tcl.tk/

  • Tk demos of tk widgets.

Run this local copy of the demo to learn about tk widgets usage:

Windows: <GiD path>\scripts\tk\demos\DEMO_widgets.vbs

Linux/macOs: <GiD path>/scripts/tk/demos/widgets.tcl

will appear an app like this to select cases classified by categories

Window created clicking the first case:


Pressing ‘See code’ will appear the source code

GiD-Tcl extra commands

GiD add more commands to Tcl language, to ask for its data or create/modify entities.

To know these commands read the GiD customization manual TCL AND TK EXTENSION

Tcl packages

A package consists of a collection of files that provide specific functionality.

There are a lot of Tcl packages at <GiD folder>/scripts

Starting example in a GiD problemtype

See this chapter of the customization manual https://gidsimulation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GCM/pages/2385544298/Tcl+Tk+example

Documentation of old GiD conference courses

The past GiD conference courses have a lot of interesting information, for example


All documents of the courses are available at https://downloads.gidsimulation.com/#GiD_Convention/





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