Local axes

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Local axes

Menu: Data->Local axes

With this option, GiD lets you define new coordinate reference systems. They can be writen not only using cartesian reference systems, but also with reference to Euler angles. All user-defined systems are automatically calculated and can be visualized one by one or all together.

There are several ways to define new local axes:

  • 3 Points XZ: Enter three points that corresponds to the origin, the X-direction and the Z-direction. The origin and the last introduced point define the Z-axis, whereas the second point indicates the side of the x-z plane where the point lies.
  • X and angle: Enter two points and one angle. The first point is the center, the second point indicates the X-axis and the angle indicates the position of the Y and Z axes. In the graphical window it is possible to set this angle by moving the mouse. It also indicates where the origin of the angle is. The angle can be entered either by clicking the mouse or by entering the exact value in degrees.

When defining local axes, the definition mode is done through three points 3PointsXZ.
Local axes can be used later when creating a point (see Point) or in some conditions that have a field related to these axes (see Conditions).

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