GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Join
With this option you try to join connected entities.
Join lines:
To join the lines of a selection that are connected with 'similar tangent' (with an user tolerance).
Note: the lines are not joined if the connection point belongs to other lines, has some condition applied, or the lines have set an structured number of divisions.
Join surfaces:
- Rebuild by boundary:
A group or connected surfaces must be selected in order to try to create a single approximated surface.
- QuickJoin (default option)
- NoQuickJoin. More parameters are available.
- IsProjectable : Yes or Not
- WeightBoundary: Yes or Not
- NumApproxPoints
- Tolerance
- Join only coplanars:
A group of surfaces must be selected, and automatically are detected subgroups of planar parts that are joined in single planar surfaces.
- TolAngle could be set to determine when two surfaces are coplanar
Join volumes:
Two or more volumes connected by shared surfaces are joined in a single one.
By default, if 'NoDeleteOriginalVolumes' was set, the source volumes and its dependent entities will be deleted.
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