GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Menu: Geometry->Edit→Divide
The Divide command can be applied either to lines, polylines , surfaces (including trimmed surfaces), and volumes.
- Polylines: In the case of polylines, an existing interior point must be chosen. The polyline will be converted into two lines that may or may not be polylines.
Polyline division has the option Angle which allows you to divide the polyline at all the points where the angle between the sub-lines is greater than a given value.
Caution: An interior point must belong to the first level of a polyline (see Polyline).
In the case of lines and surfaces, once the entity has been selected the division can be done in several ways:
- Num divisions: The line or surface will be converted into equally spaced pieces. In the case of surfaces it is necessary to give the division direction as u or v.
- Projecting point: With this option one point must be selected near the line or the surface and will be projected on them. Points inside the entities can be selected (see Point in line, or Point in surface). The line or the surface will be divided into two entities near that point. In the case of surfaces it is necessary to give the division direction as u or v.
- Parameter: One factor is given between 0.0 and 1.0 and the entity will be divided where the parametric variable takes that value. In the case of surfaces it is necessary to give the division direction as u or v.
- Relative length: (lines only) One factor is given between 0.0 and 1.0 to divide the line with relative arc length ratio equal to the selected factor. (Same concept as Parameter if the curve was arc length parameterized).
- Length: (lines only) The length of the resulting divided lines is given, and GiD divides the line into as many lines as it can. If the length given is bigger than the length of the selected line, no division is made.
- Split: (surfaces or volumes) The surface/volume will be divided following the divide lines/surfaces. These lines/surfaces must share points/lines with the to be splitted (Command: Geometry Edit SplitSurf/SplitVolume ).
Note: After the division, the old entity disappears and the new entities are created.