Internet retrieve

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Internet retrieve

Menu: Data->Problem type->Internet retrieve...

With this option it is possible to download new problem types or update existing ones.
It is also possible to download other resources like themes, fonts, translations, examples, plugins,...

Note: You need to be connected to the Internet to use this option.

Select a list item and use the Problem type info and Problem type news buttons to get information about them.

Use the Retrieve Problem type button to download the selected problem type. The problem type will be installed inside the Problem Types directory.

download.xml file
If a problemtype folder contains a file named 'download.xml' then if the user tries to select this problemtype it will be asked to be downloaded through the 'Internet retrieve' mechanism. This avoids installing all big problemtypes and later downloads the ones that the user really wants.

The content of this file must be something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DownloadProblemtype version='1.0'>
<ShortDescription>Pre and postprocessing nonlinear analysis software ABAQUS</ShortDescription>

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