GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 13.1.8d to 13.1.9d

What's new from version 13.1.8d to 13.1.9d

  • Material and conditions windows are now shown also in linux.


  • Fixed bug in unstructured quadrilateral mesher that made GiD crashes in some cases where the surface to mesh had holes.
  • Added some check in octree volume mesher when there are forced points inside volumes, to avoid pathological situations that may lead the program to crash. These pathological situations happens when a forced point suposed to be inside a volume is actually onto some of its contour surfaces.
  • Selected points and nodes are drawn thicker and are drawn in render flat and smooth modes too, as well as selected lines.


  • New plugin 'gid_slippy' and gid_map package to import topography from tile map servers
  • New tcl GiD_Project subcommand GiD_Project view ?clip_planes_x|clip_planes_y|clip_planes_z|clip_planes_margin|rotation_vector|rotation_factor|rotation_matriz|rotation_center|perspective_distance|perspective_ortho_near|perspective_ortho_far|perspective_factor|perspective_view|view_mode|render_mode|ligth_vector?
  • New tcl GiD_OpenGL draw subcommands to allow handle textures: -gentextures -deletetextures -bindtexture
  • togl widget renamed to gid_togl (to avoid name conflict with tcl3d package) and added drawing callbacks to be defined in Tcl instead of C (-createcommand, -displaycommand, -reshapecommand, -destroycommand, -overlaydisplaycommand, -timercommand)
  • GiD_Info conditions -localaxes: new -array option to efficiently return as arrays the ids and values of local axes
  • New GiD_Info library names|version|format_version <library_name>
  • GiD_ModifyData localaxes <condition_name> ?geometry|mesh? <entity_ids...> <entiy_euler_angles...>
  • GiD_Geometry list new option ?-material <id_material>? to filter the selection
  • New Tcl GiD_Event_BeforeOpenFile
  • Predefined procedure to be used to select a group in a question as TKWIDGET: GidUtils::TkwidgetGetGroupname
  • gid_cross_platform::run_as_administrator, return process exit value
  • Fixed bug changing field values with units of a just renamed material
  • Avoid crash of buffer overflow with too long questions in some special case