GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 13.0 to 13.1.0d

What's new from version 13.0 to 13.1.0d

  • Allow multiple tries to create the temporary GiD folder (to avoid conflicts running multiple copies simultaneously)
  • File browser, fix error sorting filenames
  • File browser, fix error opening to select files


  • Save with the model the state open/close of the tree of layers and groups
  • Fixed bug that prevent stop meshing
  • Fixed bug deleting a group assigned to face element entities
  • Fixed error drawing hexahedra meshes in render mode with immediate or display list mode
  • Fixed bug meshing surfaces skipping entities


  • New icon in the standard bar of postprocess to play animations.
  • New preference option to set the number of labels of the results color scale.
  • Legends: corrections when moving them around (Utilities --> Tools --> Move Screen Objects) and printing them in High Resolution snapshots.
  • Vectors: when printing with HighResolution, do not reduce the quality of the rendered vectors and do it only for faster screen rendering.


  • New GiD-Tcl subcommand GiD_Mesh get nodesdistance <n1> <n2>
  • New GiD-Tcl subcommand GiD_Mesh get element from_face <face_nodes> ?-ordered?
  • variable set ::GidPriv(HideMeshProgress) 1 to hide the mesh progress window
  • New GiD-Tcl events GiD_Event_AfterSaveGIDProject, GiD_Event_AfterNewGIDProject