
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


Groups tab

If the server is set to accept anonymous user, it is not needed to create groups and users, but if this option is disabled (recommended by security), a user only can run a problemtype if has an authorized password, and it belongs to a group associated to this problemtype.

A group basically is a link to a problemtype, associating some additional parameters (to limit the maximum number of nodes for the simulation, to set a priority, etc.).
An user could belong to multiple groups.
There is a special group, called root, with a only user named also root, used to configure the server. By default. This administrator user cannot execute processes.
In order to limit the size of the analysis that can be made for a particular group, the concept of maximum number of nodes is considered. This property of the analysis is sent automatically to the server by GiD, when it gets connected.

Properties attached to a group are:

  • Group name: The name of the group.
  • Problemtype: A group is associated to a problem type installed on the server. It is possible to create two groups with the same problemtype.
  • Max Nnode: This is the maximum number of nodes allowed to the users of this group for the current problemtype.
  • Others: A group can store more properties or limitations for the problem type.

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