
GiD - The personal pre and post processor



  • Backup time (min): If this option is set and a model name is given, the model is saved automatically with the frequency given (in minutes).

Record batch

  • Write batch file: If this option is set and a filename is given, all commands used during the current session are saved to this file. It can be executed later by means of a script file with the predefined commands to be run in GiD (see Batch file).
  • Write rotations in batch: If this option is set and the batch file name is given, all dynamic rotations and movements are stored there as well. In this way you can see these movements when reading this batch file with 'Read batch window'.

Generic format

  • Real format: This option refers to the format used to print real numbers somewhere (e.g. in the coordinates display).


  • Number of threads to use: This is the number of threads GiD will use in the algorithms implemented in parallel. The parallelization of GiD follows the shared memory paradigm.


  • Reload last model: If set, when GiD is opened it reloads the last model that was saved.
  • Read and save view parameters of model automatically (mesh styles, on-off selection, cuts): Enabling this option allows GiD to automatically read and save the current view parameters of the model or results files.
  • Read result visualization state (contour fill, iso-surfaces, vectors, etc.): If checked, tries to draw the last visualized result for the model.


GiD users logged have a cloud storage to store GiD models, this storage could be mapped as a network drive to allow read/save models from the GiD file browser (Files->Open)

  • Automatic connect: to map the cloud storage as a unit when starting GiD (user must be logged)
  • Automatic disconnect: to unmap the cloud storage unit when ending GiD

Note: It is possible to manually connect/disconnect the network drive from the sign in window opened from the upper-right toolbar icon

Model locking

A model opened by a GiD become locked. If another GiD try to open it will be opened in read-only mode, and cannot be overwritten, can be only saved with other name.

  • Enable file locking. It is possible to unset this option to disable the locking mechanism, then won't complain if multiple GiD's open and save the same model, the last saved will remain.
  • Show window with read-only warning: opening a locked model will show a 'read-only' warning message, this option allow not to show it.

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