Windows firewall issues

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Windows firewall issues

Usually firewalls of server doesn't allow incoming connections from other client's machines.
This is a common cause that prevent that a GiD client could get a floating password from the server
Off course the service 'passerverd' (the floating password) must be running on the server, and appropriated licences must be added.
To allow this connection in the Window Firewall must add a new rule with this characteristics:

  • for all profiles: Domain, Private and Public
  • for the program: C:\Program Files (x86)\PasServer 2.6\passerverd.exe

(not to passerver-conf.exe that is an special GUI client that allow configure local or remotely passerverd)

  • allowing Inbound (incoming) connections of TCP protocol (UDP or other are unneeded)
  • on local port 7073 (other ports are unneeded)

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