GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 13.1.2d to 13.1.3d

What's new from version 13.1.2d to 13.1.3d

  • Labels: New option to set off the labels of a selection of entities
  • Dimensions: Utilities-->Dimensions (text, distances, angles and vertex info labels) uses the new font system, so they also work in Mac OS X.
  • Right menu buttons:
    • corrected problem with utilities --> Variables which caused that some options where drawn over the arrow buttons;
    • now the arrow buttons are drawn just below the menu options, instead of over them.
  • Linux: updated Mesa library 8.0.5 in GiD Safe mode ( 'gidx' script) to the newer version 9.2.5/llvm which uses all cores to render the model. Old Mesa library can still be used with 'gidx805'.


  • STL mesh import: do not collapse its nodes if 'Automatic collapse after import' preference is unset.


  • Stream lines: several corrections:
    • pass modification of preferences window into GiD
    • Several corrections in relation to Arrows in stream-lines:
      • now draws opaque arrows and not transparent
      • correct setting of arrow colors
      • when stream line is draw using the c.fill color of another color, draw the arrows with the correct color
      • corrected problem of slowliness when arrows where on
  • Stream lines: now they can also be drawn as 8 sided prisms
  • ResultGroup: corrected error when reading ResultGroup's that caused the creation of Analysis names with strange characters
  • Node Traces:
    • Zoom frame taking them into account.
    • Recalculate BBox when creating & deleting Node Traces.
    • View No Results --> also deletes Node Traces.
  • Result cache: corrected error in indexed binaries that caused some crashes and result values corruption. it was introduced in version 13.1.2d


  • VTK import: GiD_MeshPost create now supports quadratic elements, for instance to import VTK files.
  • New Tcl events: GiD_Event_BeforeSaveGIDProject, GiD_Event_AfterChangeModelUnitSystem (and customization manual enhanced)
  • objarrayTcl package 1.7, new subcommands: scale, minimum, maximum, renumber1.7 --> scale, minimum, maximum, renumber