Open multiple... (only Postprocessing)

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Open multiple... (only Postprocessing)

Menu: Files->Open multiple...

To read multiple files and create postprocess mesh variable along time.

Note:  f the mesh must is constant along time maybe Files→Merge... must be used instead
With this option you can load multiple meshes (pairs of .post.msh and .post.res, or .bin or .post.h5 files) into GiD.

This is useful, for instance, when performing an analysis where some or all steps require re-meshing, refinement, or creation and destruction of elements like in DEM simulations.

From the file browser window, you can select several pairs Project.post.msh and Project.post.res, in one go by left-clicking one file and then <Shift>-left-clicking another so that all the files in between are highlighted; further files can be added or removed individually with <Ctrl>-left-click. Normal operations, such as animation, displaying results and cuts, can be done over these meshes, and they will be actualized when the selected analysis/step is changed, for example by means of View results -> Default analysis/step (see Re-meshing and adaptivity from Customisation Manual).

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