GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Menu: Files->Import->IGES...
With this option it is possible to import a file in IGES format (version 5.3); GiD is able to read most of the entities, which are:
Entity number and type (Notes)
100 Circular arc
102 Composite curve
104 Conic arc (ellipse, hyperbola and parabola)
106 Copious data (forms 1, 2, 12 and 63)
108 Plane (form1 bounded)
110 Line
112 Parametric spline curve
114 Parametric spline surface
116 Point
118 Ruled surface
120 Surface of revolution
122 Tabulated cylinder
123 Direction
124 Transformation matrix (form 0)
126 Rational B-spline curve
128 Rational B-spline surface
134 Node
136 Element
140 Offset surface entity
141 Bounded entity
142 Curve on a parametric surface
143 Bounded surface
144 Trimmed surface
184 Solid assembly
186 Manifold solid B-rep object
190 Plane
192 Right circular cylindrical surface
194 Right circular conical surface entity
196 Spherical surface
198 Toroidal surface
308 Subfigure definition
314 Color definition
402 Associativity instance
406 Property entity
408 Singular subfigure instance
502 Vertex
504 Edge
508 Loop
510 Face
514 Shell
The variable ImportTolerance (see Preferences ) controls the creation of new points when an IGES file is read. Points are therefore defined as unique if they lie further away than this tolerance distance from another already defined point. Curves are considered identical if they have the same points at their extremes and the "mean proportional distance" between them is smaller than the tolerance. Surfaces can also be collapsed.
Entities that are read in and transformed are not necessarily identical to the original entity. For example, surfaces may be transformed into planes, Coons or NURBS surfaces defining their contours and shape.
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