GiD - The personal pre and post processor



  • Utilities->Status: buttons to open common folders (temporary, user settings)
  • Calculation do not require save with a name, its temporary folder is used for UNNAMED model
  • Corrected WEBM video creation problem when using transparencies and some resolutions.
  • Sign in licence updated


  • Draw Volume Entities in Render Flat or Smooth modes:


  • Fixed several bugs (see more information of fixed bugs in detailed changes of 15.0.x official versions)


  • New GiD_Event_BeforeCalculate: called a little earlier than GiD_Event_BeforeRunCalculation, e.g. to allow renumber the mesh before write the calculation file
  • New tcl command GiD_AccessValueAssignedCondition ?-field_index? set|get <condition> <over> {<question>|<field_index> ?<value>? ... <question>|<field_index> ?<value>?} <entities>
  • New tcl command GiD_GetUserSettingsCommonDirectory ?-create_folders? , return the main user GiD folder
  • GiD_Info bounding_box new optional flags ?-geometry|-mesh|-post? ?-layers_off_also?
  • GiD_Info mesh nodes | elements new option -array2 : Instead of a plane list it returns the results as a list of objarrays (more efficient).

For 'Nodes' it returns a list with 2 objarrays: one for the NodeIDs and another for the xyzxyzxyz coordinates.
For 'Elements' it returns a list with the element type, an objarray with the element id's, an objarray for all the connectivities (i.e. for a triangle an objarray with node1-node2-node3-node1-node2-node3), and an objarray for the material id of the elements.

  • ObjArray : (v1.12) new `-binary <data>` option when creating objarrays and added new 'get_binary' option to get the byte representation of the objarray. Useful to access directly binary data of the objarray, for instance to encode in base64 or compress with zlib, without getting the string representation of their data, or to change the integral data type of the vector, for instance from char to int, etc.

set obj [ objarray new intarray -values { 5 6 7 8}]
-> 5 6 7 8
puts [ binary encode base64 [ objarray get_binary $obj]]
set obj2 [ objarray new intarray -binary [ objarray get_binary $obj]]
-> 5 6 7 8
set obj3 [ objarray new chararray -binary [ objarray get_binary $obj]]
-> 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0

  • New tcl command GiD_Project backup save|read ?-ignore_must_save_flags? <name>