GiD - The personal pre and post processor



  • Help migrated to Confluence


  • Fixed bug when assigning graphically condition over face element


  • Allow write calculation file and start/stop calculation and see output in postprocess (until now possible in preprocess)


  • GiD_WriteCalculationFile nodes  new option -factor <factor> to multiply the coordinates by a factor (to convert units)
  • New Tcl shapetcl binary package, to read and write shapefile GIS files (.shp and .dbf for attributes)
  • New Shapefile GiDplugin, using shapetcl to export GiD results of surface meshes in shapefile GIS format
  • objarray package 1.13, new vector_sum subcommand
  • GiD_Geometry list new -material subcommand
  • New subcommand GiD_Mesh get element <num> geometry_source. To get the id of the geometric source entity
  • New subcommand GiD_Geometry get point|line|surface|volume <id> mesh. To get the mesh of a geometric entity
  • Shapefile import assign .dbf attributes as conditions much faster ,and fix some wrong assignation
  • Classic problemtype allow modify the values of a condition assigned to an entity (Condition window->Entities - Edit)
  • gmsh format export (.bas template)
  • UNV import, accepted more types
  • TransferGroupsToMesh fixed bug with GiD_Set GroupsTranferToFacesSingle 1
  • fixed bugs with file argv.txt starting GiD in unusual ways (folder Open with GiD, drop a model folder on the GiD icon, etc.)