GiD - The personal pre and post processor
A remote password server for GiD & Problemtypes
PasServer is a license server for GiD.
The license server is the machine on the network that all of the other GiD client machines 'ask' if there is a license available for use. The license server machine then checks out a license and keeps track of it.
These licenses are 'stored' in a file that tells how many people may use the software.
Basic definitions:
- Clients: The computers where GiD is running.
- Server: The computer where PasServer is running.
Both the server and the client will normally be different computers, although it is also possible to have the client side and the server side in just the same computer.
passerverd is a console program that is always listening. It does not require user interaction, and it does not show any window.
To configure, it exists a secondary GUI program: passerver-conf. It's possible to run this auxiliary program to configure the server from a remote machine
Since passerver version 2.6 multiple instancies of GiD running in the same machine will be counted only once by passerver.
Previous passerver versions will count each GiD instance, independendly of the machine where they are running.
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