Windows install

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Windows install

For the Windows PasServer X.X version, run 'PasServer-X.X-win-x64-Install.exe' to install. The user must have administrative permissions
Note: there are x32 and x64 versions. Windows x64 can run both versions: x32 and x64, but Windows x32 can only run x32 applications.

Passerver installation

On Windows operating systems, PasServer is installed and configured to be run automatically as a Windows service named passerverd

After the installation, the service passerverd is automatically started. (The service will automatically be started when the operating system restart)

The service can be started/stopped manually with these console commands (as administrator if needed)

net start passerverd
net stop passerverd

Then it's necessary to add to the server the passwords for GiD or problemtypes. See section Adding licences with passerver-conf

Note: If the installation cannot install this service, it's possible to add it manually. See section Manual configuration of the services

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