GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 12.0.1 to 12.0.2

What's new from version 12.0.1 to 12.0.2
There are only fixed bugs:

  • STEP import fixed bugs
  • Interface fully translated to Russian.
  • Drag and Drop package upgraded to version 2.6: now it's correctly configured for Linux.


  • Fixed bug when meshing contact volumes connected to other volumes.
  • Fixed bug in advancing front volume mesher. It made GiD crash in some pathological situations.
  • Fixed bug in Mesh criteria - Duplicate.


  • Display vectors: corrected crash when selecting single components of vectors, matrices or local axes.
  • Gauss points: corrected bad interpolation for 20-node hexahedra and 18-node prisms.
  • Display vectors: corrected crash when selecting single components of vectors, matrices or local axes.
  • Gauss points: corrected bad interpolation for 20-node hexahedra and 18-node prisms.
  • Gauss points: added more error information messages when reading post-process files.
  • Screen Map textures: correction when image is bigger than 1024x1024.
  • Binary files: added more checks when reading corrupted binary files.
  • Divide Exact: corrected error.