GiD - The personal pre and post processor
What's new 16.0.7
- Corrected Utilities → status clipboard copy.
- adds support for macOS 14 Sonoma.
- Export GiD mesh:Â new option -export_mesh_by_entities to write meshes by geometrical entities or a single mesh by element type.
- Fix bug writing and reading mesh of points with internal node not public.
- Fix bug sweep surface with closed line.
- Fix bug corruption meshing contact volumes.
- Local axis preserved in copy/move and orientation of surfaces is swapped using mirror.
- Abaqus import plugin 0.5 much faster and allow pyramids.
- Fix bug calculating boundary mesh faces sending elements to layer back.
- Binary mesh set file format 1.3 to allow store internal elements.
- Legend size adapted to legend font size. Number of labels preference preserved when changing legends size.
Legend correctly positioned when printing in high resolution, and text correctly renderer.
Drag and drop of multiple post files will do a Postprocess→ReadMultiple, instead of loading each file one after another.
Corrected error when reading multiple files with results cache and exporting as ascii or deleting meshes or sets.
Corrected crash when reading multiple files with one file with mesh groups.
- GiD_WriteCalculationFile elements -elements_faces faces implemented for prism and pyramid.
- New package parse_args : A fast argument parser based on the patterns established by core Tcl commands like [lsort], [lsearch], [glob], [regex], etc.
- objarray package updated to 1.17 : Check objarray changes here: What's new .