GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Represents a set of properties with some kind of relationship. A 'blockdata' field can copy itself, to duplicate and create several sets. It can contain the following fields: <value>, <container>, <condition>, <function>, <dependencies>, and other <blockdata>
n - Name used to reference the field, especially when writing the .dat file.
There is a special blockdata name n='material' that has an extra meaning to declare that represents a material for import/export materials
Note: all materials of a parent container must have the same fields (value nodes), if there are materials with different properties then must create a container by each type (or define all with the same value nodes some of them unused can have state='hidden')
name - Label that will be visualized by the user. It can be translated.
sequence - It allows a 'blockdata' field to by duplicated and copied by the user in order to create several sets. Like several load cases with its 'value' and 'condition' included. If it has the 'sequence' parameter activated, it is possible for the user to create consecutive repetitions of the full block data in order to represent, for example, loadcases with all its conditions inside.
sequence_type - It can be:
any - The list can be void (this is the default)
non_void_disabled - At least there needs to be one element. It can be disabled.
non_void_deactivated - At least there needs to be one element. It can be deactivated.
editable_name - can be void '' or 'unique'. The 'unique' means that it is not possible to use the same name ('pn' field), for two different 'sequence' 'blockdata'.
morebutton - It is a boolean value as a 1 or 0 to show a 'More...' button in fields of type 'blockdata'. It is activated by default. For more information about this attribute, see the section Import export materials
can_delete_last_item - A single blockdata could be deleted.
before_update_proc - Set to a Tcl procedure name to be called when choosing this field in data tree.
update_proc - Set to a Tcl procedure name to be called when clicking on the 'Ok' button in the window.
delete_proc - Set to a Tcl procedure name to be called when delete the blockdata
check_values . Set to a Tcl procedure name
icon - It allows to put an image in .png format in the data tree. The image should be stored inside the images folder of the problem type. A Tcl procedure can be used to return the name at runtime.
help - It displays a pop-up window of help information related to the task the user is performing.
state - Specifies one of two states for the field: normal, or hidden. Note that hidden <container> field can be used for storing hidden values, that you do not want to show in the user interface. It also permits to handle a Tcl function, by means of square brackets.
allow_import - It is a boolean value as a 1 or 0 that allows to add the 'Import/export materials' item in the contextual menu for a specific 'blockdata' field. It is deactivated by default. For more information about this attribute, see the section Import export materials
<container n="Intervals" pn="Time intervals" un="Intervals" icon="time2" open_window="0"> <blockdata n="Interval" pn="Interval" name="Initial" sequence="1" icon="time3" editable_name="unique" sequence_type="non_void_disabled" help="Interval"> <value n="IniTime" pn="Start time" v="0.0" state="disabled" help="When do the interval starts?"/> <value n="EndTime" pn="End time" v="0.0" state="disabled" help="When do the interval ends?"/> </blockdata> <blockdata n="Interval" pn="Interval" name="Total" sequence="1" icon="time3" editable_name="unique" sequence_type="non_void_disabled" help="Interval"> <value n="IniTime" pn="Start time" v="0.0" state="disabled" help="When do the interval starts?"/> <value n="EndTime" pn="End time" v="End" state="disabled" help="When do the interval ends?"/> </blockdata> <blockdata n="Interval" pn="Interval" name="Custom1" sequence="1" icon="time3" editable_name="unique" sequence_type="non_void_disabled" help="Interval"> <value n="IniTime" pn="Start time" v="0.0" help="When do the interval starts?"/> <value n="EndTime" pn="End time" v="0.5" help="When do the interval ends?"/> </blockdata> </container>
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