GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Main procedures
The main procedures available to be used in the TCL files, are listed below.
- gid_groups_conds::actualize_conditions_window
This procedure updates the information of the whole data tree, and automatically refresh data shown in the user interface. If the data source is changed, such as new fields have been added or data values and field have been modified, all the user interface will reflect those changes. Furthermore, all the TCL procedures defined in the data tree will be called and the whole data tree will be refreshed. Note that this instruction must be carried out only when necessary. It has no arguments.
- gid_groups_conds::begin_problemtype spd_file defaults_file ""
This procedure allows to load the problem type and should be defined in the InitGIDProject procedure. The arguments are the following:
spd_file - The directory of the main configuration file (.spd).
defaults_file - The directory of the preferences file. If the directory of the preferences file does not already exist, it is created.
- gid_groups_conds::SetProgramName program_name
This procedure stores the program name in the preferences file and should be defined in the InitGIDProject procedure. The argument is the following:
program_name - Name of the program.
- gid_groups_conds::end_problemtype defaults_file
This procedure will be called when the project is about to be closed, in the EndGIDProject procedure. It receives as argument:
defaults_file - The directory of the preferences file. If the directory of the preferences file does not already exist, it is created.
- gid_groups_conds::give_data_version
This function returns the version number of the problem type.
- gid_groups_conds::save_spd_file spd_file
This procedure saves the .spd file and should be defined in the SaveGIDProject procedure. Therefore, it will be called when the currently opened file is saved to disk. It receives as argument:
spd_file: path of the file being saved
- gid_groups_conds::import_export_materials widget xpath
This procedure allows to open the 'Import/export materials' window. It receives as arguments:
widget - Parent widget.
xpath - It is thexpath expression to the field 'container' of materials.
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