GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Event_AfterLogin: will be called when the login status of GiD changes. It provide the logged username

proc GiD_Event_AfterLogin { username } {

GiD_Event_AfterLogout: will be called when the username logout.

proc GiD_Event_AfterLogout { } {

GiD_Event_AfterStartSession: will be called when the logged user start the session of a program, usually GiD (use its named-user password) . It provide the program and its main version, and a JWT session token 

proc GiD_Event_AfterStartSession { program main_version session_token } {

GiD_Event_AfterStopSession: will be called when the logged user finish the session of a program. It provide the program and its main version

proc GiD_Event_AfterStopSession { program main_version } {