XYZ nodes 

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

XYZ nodes 

Menu: Files->Import->XYZ nodes...

Reads a set of points from an text file. It reads also compressed text files.
Several options can be adjusted in the import file dialog box:

By default, lines with three real numbers separated by spaces are imported.



  • Comments starts with: specify the comment character to skip lines, for instance # will skip lines starting with this character

  • Format of lines: if the coordinates of the points are defined in a specific format, the user can enter here a C/C++ string format to parse the coordinates, for instance:

%g %g %g will read X Y Z coordinates separated by spaces
%g, %g, %g will read X Y Z coordinates separated by commas
%*d %g %g %g will read X Y Z coordinates after discarding the first 'index'

  • Create Delaunay mesh after import: if enabled, after importing the points a triangle / tetrahedral mesh will be created using the Delaunay mesher.

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