GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Using template .bas (only mesh)
Menu: Files->Export->Using template .bas (only mesh)
This command does the same thing as Export -> Calculation file (see Calculation file), but it uses a .bas file provided by the user, instead of using the template file of the current problem type. This means it is not necessary to select a problem type in order to run this command.
When choosing 'Others...' from the submenu, GiD asks for a .bas file (see Template File from Customization Manual) and, using that file, writes the data file needed by the solver module. There are some .bas codes available in the submenu which write output files in some formats (DXF, NASTRAN, STL, VRML). These example .bas files are located in the Templates directory of the main GiD directory. It is possible to add other .bas files to that directory so they appear in the submenu.
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